From one Word Salad individual to another, What??
I was hoping Palin would become more sasquatch like, less seen and never heard, but I do like it when the right eats their own.
May the Feast of the Orange Softening begin.
“Primary candidate Trump didn’t garner a lot of enthusiastic support by being soft on anything,” Palin said on Fox.
FIFY Sarah
Caribou Barbie haz a HO sad.
I’m sitting in a high rise in the middle of Central Asia. I often look out at the near shore of Alaska and wonder how Sarah is doing. Apparently she could be better. Sad.
Thank you WSJ for calling Mrs. Palin and asking her to opine on this topic.
Now that HO has been pinned to the Alt-Right, where does Palin fit into the scheme of things? Heck, it applies to anyone supporting HO now, even McCain, I suppose.
“I would prefer politicians to not campaign one way and then govern another way,” she added"
Don’t worry, Wassilla Kardashian. He’ll never govern anything.
maybe she’s worried because Cheeto Donnie has secretly promised to build a wall between Canada and Alaska to keep the hordes of illegal Canucks away… you know… because they’re friendly and have manners…
and another wall across the Bering Straits to keep the invading Commie Mongol hordes at bay…
And if it keeps Caribou Barbie in Alaska, more’s the better.
“I would prefer politicians to not campaign one way and then govern another way,” she added
Maybe you would prefer they just quit like you.
as the Alt-right’s version of Betty Grable.
While he’s stuck to that movement, chances are he will likely survive '16 by keeping his job.
Her “preferences” mean nothing.
She’s dumber than a shoe.
Damn those non-disclosure agreements. I want to know wassup with Palin and Trump. She didn’t attend the convention. She has almost disappeared from the political scene. I think she must have gotten in a snit over something. Maybe The Donald didn’t pay all of her endorsing expenses or maybe she pissed him off somehow. I wanna know the deets.
Concerned Palin is one of my favorite Palins
Who gives a shit?
I think that Donald Tramp’s inner circle of Roger Ailes, Kellyanne Conway and Ivanka Tramp may be subjecting him to psychological and sexual abuse and torture to make him offer Amnesty. I hope the Secret Service can protect him.
What a way to start the day. Word Salad being tossed by the Whore of Babble On.