Sadly, that is not going to happen. Slugs need the slime to move.
Lordy, I know there’s slime.
It’s always worthwhile to remember that James Comey is responsible for the abhorrent disaster occupying the White House. He should go down in history as the man who destroyed our nation.
Isn’t this like asking Jabba the Hut to join Weight Watchers or to start exercising? It’s good though that he’s putting it out there.
Yeah, since you played a large part in landing us with the squatter in the White House, you should STFU.
Just sit down and STFU, Comey. You helped drive the bus that got us here.
Things would be much different today if you just did the right thing instead of worrying about your own butt.
you kicked your butt so hard that you will never land on your feet again.
keep plugging away anyway, every bit helps