He’s right. It was.
I am not sure if any specific individual needs to speak out on this topic, but I think it’s useful for lots of people to be saying the same thing. Sort of analogous to the overton window. It should be a regular topic of conversation to ask whether Trump obstructed justice, and to comment that it sure looks like he did. That shouldn’t feel like a weird or outlandish thing to say or read.
So in a stochastic discourse sense, good on Comey. Even though I’ve mostly heard enough from Comey.
So is the Barr fable obstruction of obstruction of justice?
Everyone says that Mueller is an upstanding guy but he does not seem to have acted that way.
One of the best things about this era, is that James Comey ages thrice as fast, then the rest of us.
What would stop Comey from releasing his infamous tapes?
It can’t be! It isn’t complicated enough.
Hmmm … No need for confusion, if it looks like bullshit, smells like bullshit and tastes like bullshit, it’s gotta be bullshit.
There’s no room anymore for “shying away from the truth.”
We don’t know why Mueller decided not to decide. We do know why Barr stepped in.
Only Mueller & Assoc. knows for sure.
Comey should just piss off and shut up. Pompous ass.
Thank you, former Director Obvious.
Am I to read that as Barfable? Because it is.
No shit, Sherlock. I don’t need a law degree to figure that one out.
Fuck you, Comey. If you’d been even marginally competent, or valued the entire planet more than your pollyanna-ish view of justice and morality, none of this would be a problem.
…because he thought Muller would be a good little Republican and allow two years of his, and many other peoples’, effort to be tossed in the trash for the good of the GOTP?
Considering Trump’s history in office, I wonder if he’d had been indicted for Incitement to Riot / Incitement to Violence by now. Seems to me it’s long overdue, by some jurisdiction over him. Probably burden of proof is too difficult here, for some reason, or just not enough solid evidence of the type used for these charges?