Discussion: Comey: Trump 'Pulled Up Short' When He Remembered I Didn't Pledge Loyalty (VIDEO)

What in the holy hell was MCCain talking about here with the “you said Sec. clinton’s investigation is done, but you won’t say that about the president” ? I couldn’t follow him at all. It seemed like some sort of childish “you’re so biased” gripe dressed up in incomprehensible language.

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You’re mistaking incoherence for addled incompetence.

Also, is it just me or has TPM website been wonky all morning?

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‘We had that thing, you know.’

Don’t Put That Thing On Me

Terribly wonky

First it’s not you…the comments have been off for a while as was all the Prime stuff.
Second McCain was mixing nouns, verbs and adjectives in random fashion much like Palin does which was making some think he was having a TIA or a stroke as we were watching.

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Headlines; Trump pulls up short, more at 11:00

It was very worrisome. I had a friend who texted me that he thought McCain looked like he was having a stroke. His sentences didn’t make sense, he referred to “President Comey” a few times and his eyes kept dashing back and forth across the room as if he were trying to figure out where he was. I noted that throughout he was confusing the Hilary E-mail investigation and the Russian Hacking investigation as the same thing.

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McCain sounded like a confused old man, but he is smarter than that. I think he was throwing a bone to the base, and to Fox & Friends, to allow them to rationalize that Comey is treating Trump unfairly compared to Clinton.


McCain: I would think it would arouse my…uh…cough…courtesy…yeah yeah arouse my coursity, that’s the ticket

Damn John’s a little jealous at Comey havin’ a thing goin’ on with Trump!

GD McCain needs to retire before he embarrases his family any more than he already has.

I think John’s fucking losing it…er lost it.

Yeah, I figured things were breaking so fast that trying to keep up with comments was ridiculous.

Wait, Trump remembered a conversation that took place weeks before? And didn’t want to contradict himself?

Comey just blew his credibility.