And here’s comes a solid uppercut.
Adam Schiff for President 2020.
Fascinating stuff and Schiff kicked some serious ass.
Every time Comey can’t comment the optics are bad, very bad.
Napolitano: I completely disagree with our inept FBI.
Alex Jones: My sources say Hillary was also involved in wire tapping of Trump towers.
FOX: Pelosi worked personally with Hillary and installed the wiretaps.
Trump: I knew I was right.
HAHAHAHAHA! How long before Trump tries to axe COmey?
Ha Ha, Gowdy…what a fucking idiot.
One can only hope that, at long last, Trump is having a “leaky Depends” moment!
So Comey came out to tell us that Trump is full of shit and that he is investigating his campaign serious ratfucking involving Russians?
Like we didn’t know all that.
He is coming to my town tonight…LOL
Reverse Polish Logic of the Rightwing Propaganda Machine: Because it was so clearly denied by Comey, et alia, it must be false. That’s how bad actors within a conspiracy act.
Head for the hills!!!
This stuff is going to seriously set Trump off and I’m not sure how long they’ll be able to keep him in check. Sooooo…
Idiotic tweets coming soon?
Or will he just start heading out into the Rose Garden at night to bay at the moon?
All that “investigating experience” he has and Gowdy is still the moron in the room.
It is very significant to have him confirm that, aloud, in a televised hearing. Important for the American public - and world - to see.
How I wish Obama would sue Comrade Chaos for slander. It would seem that he could argue damage to his reputation to the tune of millions in a settlement. (@tena? @ncsteve?)
He won’t, however, because he’s too nice, too busy and, to paraphrase PJ O’Rourke, would think it “unfair to hunt a dairy cow at close range with a high-powered rifle and scope.”
So you can’t rule it out? It’s possible Barack Obama ordered a wiretap on Donald Trump?
Didn’t SNL used to do a sketch like this with a fake Tim Russert? No denial was good enough or couldn’t be twisted to support the opposite view. Sadly this is the world the GOP now occupies.
Gowdy is trying to blame private citizens, the media and Obama admin. for all this…even Comey wants him to STFU and get over himself.
He’ll be like Roger Rabbit hearing “shave and a haircut” They’ll all be trying to stop him