A noun, a verb, and 9/11.
I’m old enough to remember when Giuliani was all super duper buddy-buddy with his pals in the NY FBI offices but her emailz.
Stormtroopers for thee but not for me.
No Nazi, you’re the Nazi.
Does Mike Godwin have to go around with his eyes and ears closed these days?
Well this Giuliani experiment is going about as well as expected. Truly, I can think of no person that has squandered more good will than Giuliani. He took himself from national hero to Republican hack joke in just a few short years. Now he has gotten right to work (almost unbelievably) digging the hole deeper for Trump. Quite a sight to behold.
“Giuliani’s Nazi comparison falls in line with Republicans’ conspiratorial attacks on law enforcement in recent months.”
Today’s GOP: “The Party of Law and Order”.
People will not forget those who compare our FBI and DoJ to Nazi stormtroopers and criminal organizations. People will not forget those who have chosen to side with a criminal like Trump and his crime-ridden organization -despite abundant documented evidence -over our justice system.
In an ideal world, they would never again hold a position of influence and be publicly shunned.
I’ve speculated that he’s on a hiatus through the end of the administration. Godwin’s pause.
Hey Rudy - how’s being back in the game working out for you so far?
Didn’t Rudy and some of the NY FBI collude to stop Hillary?
bout to find out
So at what point does that constitute a conflict between rudi’s interests and those of his client, and can the conflict be waived?
Poor Rudy, he desperately needs a remedial civics course.
about to find out
While I’m a layman, I’m going to say no, because at some point, either man’s self preservation will trump any need to be loyal.
It’s REALLY rich considering that Rudy used to work for the DOJ…I guess he had ‘ideals’ back then. Now he is a lying, smarmy mouthpiece for another lying, smarmy grifter.
Just finished Comey’s book. He had a reverential disdain for Giuliani- definitely paints him as a not so decent man but a necessary mentor. I bet Comey is chomping at the bit to down this ass clown.
It seems that now his connex are with rightwing ex-FBI agents who have connex still within the NYC bureau. The ex-guys act as go-betweens for scurrilous info, such as Rudy offered re Anthony Weiner’s laptop problems and the (spurious) connex to H Clinton a few weeks before the election. Giuliani is a bad actor posing as a relevant patriot.
Remember way back when Wayne La Pierre had to apologize for calling the ATF ‘jackbooted thugs’ in a NRA fundraising letter? Simpler times …
Then again, if this comment manages to continue generating interest, I’m sure Rudy can say this was strictly a Star Wars reference.