Discussion: Comey: It Was Appropriate To Comment On Clinton Probe And Not Russia Probe

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He’s a liar. An unreliable narrator. A direct participant in a coup.


Did the Bureau treat selective leaks with the same severity in both cases? B/c it sure seems like there was no shortage of info about the Clinton investigation floating out there, and total silence on the Russia probe. Perhaps the agents on one case knew they wouldn’t face serious penalties for talking. Or perhaps some in the FBI don’t always act with fidelity, bravery, and integrity when partisan politics are involved.


Excuse me?,
No it fucking wasn’t
One thing had no victims, no crime, and had been investigated 7 times
The other thing was treason and would have prevented the orange shitgibbon from becoming president


“We didn’t say a word about it until months into it and the only thing we’ve confirmed so far
about this is the same thing with the Clinton investigation: that we are
investigating.”“I don’t know what we’ll say when we’re done, but that’s how we handled the Clinton investigation, as well,” Comey said.

His use of the present tense , “we are investigating” is a very thin reed to cling to, but it’s something. But yeah, he’s a self righteous prig who knows what he did to Clinton.


The FBI has always been a malicious and anti democratic outfit. A massive PR apparatus has sold a different story, mostly untrue. Their complicity in the Whitey Bulger affair is an accurate picture of how they actually operate.


It just sounds like “double speak” to me - but I doubt they’ll be any public outcry.


A perfect example of “rationalizing” your behavior. Just because he had said that he would tell the House Select Committee to Defeat Clinton that he would inform them if there was new information discovered does not mean that he should tell them if irrelevant information was discovered. A reasonable approach would have been to evaluate the information and if after that evaluation there was new relevant information he could tell them. If, as it turned out to be he discovered that there was nothing new or relevant in the new information he should have kept his mouth shut and not interfered in the election.

On the other hand when he found information that a foreign country was, with the possible collaboration of the Trump Campaign trying to defeat Clinton he should have made that information public at the time.

Comey is first, last and always a Republican Hack.


Oh Comey…this is a big fat ol’ lie. You KNEW what you were doing and this ‘comparison’ is apples and oranges at BEST and an attempt to ‘call’ the election at worst. ADMIT IT. You thought, like everyone else, that the Orange Shitgibbon didn’t have a chance so ‘announcing’ the MAYBE EMAILS and Weiner would make you popular again…


Reading about his testimony makes me ‘nauseous’.

This man holds far too much power. He has already played a large part in setting our country on a dangerous course. And we are way too beholden to him now, to change that course.


With respect to the Russia investigation we treated it like we did with the Clinton investigation

If so, that is how this whole thing was wrong from the very start. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, equivalent between the two – only one of them is a real, grave threat to not only the security but also the very foundation of this country.

But the reality is, there’s nothing equivalent between how these two were treated. Data suggest how he treated just one of them in public did affect the election.

Let’s see if he puts PeePee in jail and, if/when that happens, whether he openly calls the traitor a worse name than “extremely careless.”


Comey did act consistently for both investigations anyone who says he didn’t, is flat wrong. He held disclosure (or non-disclosure) about the investigations to the same exact standard.

…the standard, unfortunately, was whether disclosure (or not) would help Republican chances in the 2016 election.

So both, disclosures about HRC emails and non-disclosures about Team Trump’s treasonous activities helped republicans. See, same standard, totally appropriate.

As always… IOKIYAR.


I think Comey was likely ok with “Preventing Orange shitgibbon…” before Trump was the nominee, or just as likely, until HRC eas the democratic nominee.

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And knew full well while he was doing it.


Comey should be tried and imprisoned!


Sure that was bad, but hardly a full picture of their malevolence.

I think J. Edgar set the tone early for their political shenanigans. Comey fits right in…(to that dress)

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I could live with exiled to Russia at least.

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That’s the most frustrating, agonizing part of the process. If he’s ever replaced whoever it may be would be just in to kill the investigations. We have no choice but to trust this man whom we don’t trust and hope and pray he will stay as Director so justice will be done to the traitors…

How could it be we have to endure this?


As always, IOKIYAR

Wait , first he said the clinton investigation was over and then he said it was still underway… so which is it DB?

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