Discussion: Comey In Op-Ed: Hope Mueller Report Will Show US 'Has A Justice System That Works'

Mr. Comey,

Were you thinking this when you decided to bitch about Hillary before the election?


Here we go again, the impending wrap up of the Mueller report. Boy, they really like to flog this one and when it finally happens, no one will believe it.


when have we ever shown ourselves to have apolitical administration of justice? and with boofin’ bart on the scotus bent on payback to democrats and liberals - how likely are we to see the apolitical administration of justice anytime soon?

Only if we can destroy the facistgop’s proximity to power do we have a chance to move in the direction of justice for all.


Nah. A functioning justice system will be when cops stop getting acquitted for shooting unarmed minorities in the back, and when people who wreck the economy and destroy the livelihoods of millions of Americans face greater consequences than people selling loosies outside of the local 7-Eleven.


Your 15 minutes are over, Jimmy.

You’re the one who ushered the fat bastard into office, if I recall correctly.


keep dreaming Jim


Remember, “Party over Country” James.


It seems James Comey is a conflicted soul. He believes in the impartial administration of justice in his heart, but in real life felt compelled to put his “highest-law-enforcement-officer-in-the-land” thumb on the scales when it looked like an uppity woman might have won the presidency for the first time. I predict you will have an eternity of sleepless nights over that one, Mr. Comey.


Ahh…just fuck you.


Seems as if Comey and Trump are TOKING on the same WEED of delusion.


Somehow I hear Comey saying this in sotto voce whisper, then followed up with “whatever happens, it is not personal, it’s business”.

I’m dreaming I know, but if Trump skates, then our system of government is doomed. We are at the brink of an abyss, Mueller and his crew know what the stakes are. Failure is not an option.


This sentence of op-ed is what really bothers me - “I hope that Mr. Trump is not impeached and removed from office before the end of his term” So what you’re saying is, keep an unfit president in office, add the Republicans voter suppression apparatus and guarantee 4 more years of incompetence, corruption and being above the law. I think, Jim Comey has done enough :rage:


I take your point – but he’s not the only one arguing that Trump should not be impeached.

Indeed, prominent Democrats are saying much the same thing.


Comey, like every other person who insists on casting the world as his personal moral gymnasium, has left a trail of destruction in his wake.

They do less harm when they’re more transparently fake, like Ben Sasse.


“apolitical administration of justice is the beating heart of this country. I hope we all get to see that.”

Gee, I would’ve liked to believe that, but then Merrick Garland got fucked over for politics, and we got “Stolen Seat” Gorsuck and Rapey Barf Kavanaugh, and I just can’t think of a higher level of administration of justice than scotus, so I guess it’s another Comey fantasy that has nothing to do with reality.


Frankly, my dear James, I don’t give a damn.


Comey, from the inside, has done more than most to deteriorate the quality of American justice. I’m sure if he were still employed in that capacity, he would be a more than willing stooge.

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You and me both, Comey.

Comey…I would rather have your DoJ indict presidents when necessary. It would show that no one is above the law. The way it is at present your DoJ rule breaks that pledge which is carved in stone over the Supreme Court:

The thinking was an indictment would take a president away from his duties. Well, isn’t that why we have a Vice-president who’s job it is to take over when the POTUS is incapacitated or overly involved???