Discussion for article #231494
I have found that those who charge others with being cynical often don’t know the definition of cynicism.
How can chucky-t know the definition of anything but what the Koch Brothers tell him? This show has gone
downhill for years. He’s just the latest in a long list of losers. Don’t start extolling the virtues of the
late, unlamented tim russert. He was another shill for the republicans. He was the reason I stopped watching the show.
I believe the technical term for journalists trying to put shows like The Daily Show and Colbert Report down is called “red hot burning jealousy”.
Hmmmmm…three comedians go on Meet The Presstitute to defend a show that actually reports the news!
Jon Stewart tells more truth in 60 seconds than Chuck U Todd does in a year.
I never thought of The Daily Show as “dumbing people down.” Quite the opposite, it is a constant reminder of how politically unsophisticated the country is and the rank corruption our elected officials get away with because of it.
The fact that no one does anything about it is not Comedy Centrals fault.
If you think Meet The Presstitute is going downhill now, just wait till NBC turns the show over to Little Luke Russert!
NBC has hired Loren Michaels as it’s new executive producer? Who came up with this as a discussion topic? Todd is so desperate for some validation of his poor performance that he’s turned MTP into a skit? The comedians must have felt this was the easiest gig they’ve ever had.
He still has to pass his driver’s test and prove he can handle a gun well enough to shoot himself. .
If you can’t handle political satire, you are the problem.
There are some facts that we know today about the news media in the US that never existed before the 1980’s (Reagan Admin. forward):
- The news is now covered and reported by 5 news conglomerates that control just over 90% of the market. Never before in US history have so few huge media conglomerates controlled the reporting of news.
- Corporations are now getting MORE rights and freedoms than individuals following the John Robert’s Supreme Court Citizen’s United ruling. This means the conservative MSM can fabricate the news into propaganda and NOT be held accountable. Prime example is Fox news and the birther issue with Obama. never before in history has this been allowed as “news”.
- News Corporations are all about the bottom line and profits and as the industry as completely collapsed into monopoly control, there are no longer independent investigative journalists. UPI, AP, and other news peddlers are rapidly disappearing.
- The Republicans have been very crafty about changing the FCC rules making it possible for large corporations to control new papers broadcast stations, radio stations, magazines and even the internet in their key regions. CBS is no longer restricted from owning both radio and television stations in a single market. Hence, CBS news is a small dept. that now controls both TV news, radio news, and of course internet and printed news.
I think the proximate cause of the MTP roundtable was a Salon article. Whatever I think of either the Daily Show or MTP, I think the world can definitely limp along without Salon.
A point was made. The talking heads on Fox get to bark. Why? Because barking is their business model. Just like barking is John Stewart’s business model. Both find themselves hemmed in in ways the mainstream media isn’t. The sad thing is the mainstream media people don’t know how to take advantage of their freedom the way Edward R. Murrow or Walter Cronkite took advantage. Maybe that is because the mainstream media is also hemmed in their own way. News people just don’t have the freedom to be free in their reporting.
The Daily Show makes the obvious connections that the MSM pretends to be ignorant of and largely ignores. It also calls out the assholes in politics and media on their constant and unabashed hypocrisy that the MSM pretends does not exist. If it is base it is only base because it exposes the baseness in politics and media that lies beneath the micro-thin veneer of respectability.
I’ve never understood how he became a martyr for what used to be considered journalism. I don’t remember him practicing it the way others seem to think he did. Always thought he came across like Andy Williams or Perry Como. All style and no substance.
Or they are somehow unaware that they are supposed to deal with facts instead of letting others fabricate fairy tales? I wouldn’t make excuses for them. They are a sorry enough bunch of pimps the way it is. All this skit lacked was McCain or Ms. Graham to be complete.
All true and yet still no excuse for anyone getting on the air and making an ass of themselves.
I really believe that most Americans no longer have any pride left after letting themselves be conned into giving away so many of their liberties and standard of living. They would rather listen to popcorn music and watch fake celebrities than think about the dire situation we’ve gotten ourselves into. It’s all about escape instead of becoming engaged again with reality.
If Cheney wasn’t our Hitler, I’m really scared at who that might end up being in the not so distant future.
A show no one watches discussing an article that no one has read. They should rename the the program, “The DC Circle Jerk”…
CoLBerT reaLLY isn’t a TEA paRTY pATRiot?
What was most telling was how Todd admitted that the reason he doesn’t challenge Republicans when they come on the show with their talking points is they won’t return.
Talk about cowardly and lack of journalistic integrity. He can’t see that is why a good number of people turned away; they are frustrated that someone can come on the show, repeatedly lie and not be called out.
Politicians should be expected to have to answer to what they say, that’s the nature of their profession. To be treated with kid gloves, to be coddled in a way so as not to upset them is very distressing to me. If they won’t return because they are afraid, too bad. Chuck should realize the politicians like McCain and Graham NEED his show in order to bring their message to another audience. Another reason that I suspect is it’s more about the corporations that owns the news that get special favors from politicians that come on and THAT’S ultimately why they bend over backwards to accommodate them.