Discussion: Columnist Who Called Michael Brown An 'Animal' Leaves Charleston Paper

Discussion for article #229526

So, the columnist was the one “put down.” Good.


Wish him well? I wish him a burning butt rash for the rest of his miserable life.


Don Surber is not an outlier. Sadly, he represents mainstream conservative intellectuals, journalists and politicians like Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Orly Taitz, Donald Trump, Darrel Issa, Louie Gohmert, Blake Fartenhold, Megyn Kelly and Sean Hannity. They are so blinded by their racial and religious bigotry and angry with hate that they are incapable of logical reasoning and critical thinking. They treat those that they politically disagree with as sub-human.


I wonder what the pay is for a columnist at that paper is anyway? Beer money?

Actually, they did indicate whether he resigned or fired. “We thank him for his services and wish him good luck” = “fired.”


Watch Davey or his apologists or both start screaming that he was ‘censored.’

SHamEFul LIbtard PoliTICAL correctNEss run AMOK. AMERica NEEds TO HaVE JOURnaLISTs SPeaK trUTH to the POwer of THe LIbtard LAMEstreAM medIA whO HOLD uP MicHAEL bROWN and MUMIA abu JAMAL as HERos ratHER tHAN BLUNt-SMOKING thUGs that NEED to GET PUt down!!!1!!!one!!1!!!

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Has anyone else noticed that Conservatives hate and despise the government- unless it’s the police?


A steady diet of ToxicTea, RabidFox and little snorts of Koch.

Anybody know who did the MichaelBrown sketch?

Don Surber is pretty much par for the course so far as serious conservatives go in that neck of the woods.

Basically he’s the poor man’s local ditto-head with a blog.

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Don Surber has said a lot of rotten stuff and perpetrated many outrageous untruths over the years. IIRC (and I may not), he used to be a favorite and hilarious target for both TBogg and Sadly, No.

Suffice it to say, he needed to be fired a long, long time ago, just for being more batshit and mendacious than Limbaugh. That’s a pretty high bar to clear, but Surber leaps it with yards to spare.

This is NOT a free speech issue rightwingers.

That explains why the name is familiar, even though I’m sure I’ve never read the Charleston Whatever-It-Is.

Dollars to donuts he hooks up with the Parkersburg News & Sentinel. A horrible ultracon con rag.

One can wish, but his comfy first class accommodations on the Wingnut Welfare Express are already waiting for him.

Has the Conservative Waaaaahmbulance coming speeding by yet?

Not to be too judgmental, but this conservative journalist Don Surber, is from Poca, West Virginia. The place has a population of 974, the area is rich in wildlife and farm animals and supposedly has a reputation for inbreeding. While this background may or may not be relevant to Don Surber’s extremism, his terrible upbringing and horrible writing skills, it just goes to show how easy to reason hatefully and with great stupidity like a real conservative.

That is a shock to me! A good shock! I thought for sure that the paper would just pull his column for a while and let the furor die down. Then he would go right back to doing what he was doing.

Congratulations are in order to the Editor for his ethics and for doing the right thing. The Charleston Daily Mail has restored my respect for it.

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