Discussion: Colorado Sheriff: Veteran Of Dept. Retires After Calling Obama The N-Word

Post-racial America. Thank you Justice Roberts.


This is the kind of stuff that makes guitars gently weep.


I may be in the minority on this, but the guy was on the job for 28 yearsā€¦ He was part of them. I donā€™t think any short statement from him that didnā€™t cause physical harm should result in his firing.

I think he should have received a severe reprimand and a couple months or longer without pay. Firing someone for an act which had so little real consequence seems over the top. Zero-tolerance policies like that are almost always unjustifiable IMHO.

Iā€™m sure Jaworski would be the first to tell you that he is not a racist.


Are we aware whether this outburst is indicative of his attitudes towards blacks and the resulting treatment, diligence and respect he employed when dealing with law enforcement actions relating to them? Speculating what he did ā€œhad so little real consequenceā€ seems a conclusion youā€™re not qualified to render.


Did he say it in the affectionate, ā€œhomeyā€, ā€œgot your back, broā€ kind of way? Didnā€™t think so.

How about ā€¦a lot of these folks specifically go into law enforcement because they want to hurt and kill black people?


Any wonder Obama gets a job approval of only 8% from Republicans or that 60% of Republicans now support Trump? This guy could very well be a Trump supporter and a life long Republican! His attitude is a good example of how certain ethnic groups will always be treated unfairly by certain whites for nothing more than being from that ethnic (or race) group and thus a program such as affirmative action is needed to ensure racist idiots like this fellow do not permanently keep down deserving qualified minorities.


yeah because the word, ā€œniggerā€ has no racial or racist content.


Wouldnā€™t this open the door for a smart defense attorney to request a retrial for all minority clients who were arrested by Robert Jaworski?


As as been the case pretty much since the US had police.

Hey crasshole! Thereā€™s a call for you on line one. Itā€™s a ā€˜jobā€™ offer from Manafort.

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And a ā€œconstitutionalā€ ā€œpeaceā€ officer.

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Not to worry.
There are plenty of sheriffā€™s departments in Red states, that will be happy to hire him.

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ā€œElder told the newspaper that he would have fired Jaworski, who rose to the rank of lieutenant and had a 28-year career with the department, had he not retired voluntarily on May 5.ā€ Good thing you warned him on May 4th, liar.


You let the racist retireā€¦isnā€™t that sweet.

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Racists got to hateā€¦because, thatā€™s what racists do.

Iā€™m wondering how many rapes perpetrated on non-white women that were actually investigated?

Here in the SW red-neck capital of the US (AZ) sheriff joe and his cohorts never bothered to investigate hundreds upon hundreds of rapes that happened to non-white women, young girls and childrenā€¦

'cause you know, (according to racist red-necks) browns ask for and deserve itā€¦


And thatā€™s why racism cannot be tolerated as part of our society. It taints everything around it with itā€™s putrid secretions.

Now everyone (guilty or not) that had this racist involved in their case can and should ask that their cases be reviewed. Because thereā€™s reason to believe that the racist could have doe something to sway cases one way or the other.


I would be more surprised if a day went by without some racist douchebag calling Obama a N***er.