Discussion: Colo. Dem Guv Suggests Clinton's Email Scandal Could Kill Her Candidacy

Discussion for article #241317

It isn’t the death knell for Clinton. It is going to make things harder for her, but if she were to play up the right things about it including how hard it was to crack her server, she might actually turn it around and use it against the Republicans.


Hickenlooper is a fruit loop to begin with. But I guess it is now safe to say he won’t be in President Clinton’s cabinet.


Dem Governor and concern troll…


Generally speaking, it’s better to keep quiet and have people think you’re an idiot than to speak up and remove all doubt.


I was JUST about to say “Thank you for your concern, Governor Hick.”


Hey, Johnny. Put on your big boy britches and get out of the sandbox. This email business is a whole lot of nothing over nothing.



How does a trumped up taxpayer boondoggle in search of a scandal become something that completely nullifies 2 decades of civil service both home and abroad?

You know, I’m not the world’s biggest fan of Hilary Clinton. But this constant negative bashing bordering on misogyny from INSIDE her own party is really getting old. Either support her or don’t, but the frigging merry go round of derp surrounding everything she does short of breathing (which I’m sure someone will want to hold a congressional hearing on soon enough) is tired, old, and the dead horse that is begging you to stop beating it.


Ignorance and incompetence. He doesn’t seem to understand basics.

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Once again, a Democrat refuses to stand up to a media-fueled scandal. Your hand wringing is duly noted governor.


What an absolutely moronic comment. It’s been obvious since about 2 days after the “story” broke in March that nothing illegal was done, and the Justice Dept has specifically confirmed that in court filings.

Maybe he should keep his mouth shut if he can’t find anything intelligent to say… rather than legitimizing GOP propaganda (especially in the wake of McCarthy so helpfully admitting what they’ve been up to).

The email “scandal” is GOP and media-generated crap, which would never even have been noticed with any other candidate. (Is Jeb Bush’s use of private server getting any attention at all, including his failure to obey the law and turn over its contents?)

In the end, voters are going to have much bigger concerns. No one is going into the voting booth 13 months from now thinking “Well, I oppose the GOP candidate on huge issues, but that email thing…”


This, ladies & gentlemen, is what a feckless, weak Democrat looks like. He’s the pansy caricature that the Right tries to paint all us Liberals.


Perhaps this feeble coward should know the facts before he
speaks. It’s no wonder democrats don’t
vote, none of their leaders inspire courage


Who’s the alternative to Hillary Clinton if she tanks–which Democrat will win in 2016? That’s the question.

It’s absolutely necessary for the Democratic candidate to win next year. Whether it is the email issue, or a health scare, or she walks in front of a bus, there is a real possibility that Hillary will not be the nominee. Which other present or credible possible candidate can win in 2016? That’s what Democrats need to be thinking about seriously.


typical democrat…throwing dirt on our own candidates…


I don’t think that was his point. I think he is saying if it comes out she broke laws than it is the end. He is not saying the email thing in and of itself is.

You and I both know they aren’t thinking in those terms. There is no long-term thought about the ramifications if there is NOT a Dem in the WH in 2017. And those ramifications are terrifying, and should be, to the average citizen.

I realize there are a lot of folks who are going to answer your question with Bernie Sanders. I am not convinced he’s the answer either. And the others in the field running now are vapor…side dishes to the entrée.

There needs to be some discipline in the ranks in the party that they aren’t getting. I’m sorry but Debbie Wasserman Schultz has shown herself to be (and I’m saying this as a woman) completely and utterly useless as a leader. No message discipline, no clarity, and at best milquetoast support of the sitting President. I’ve lost count of the people I know who as a direct result of her stewardship are no longer donating to the party, and have told them so.

Like I said, I’m not her biggest fan. But reality being what it is, she’s realistically the best shot you’ve got outside of Joe Biden right now (who I still think is not going to run).

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Reading some of the comments, I see a lot of head-in-the-sand out here. The email issue is a real problem. Not fatal to the Clinton campaign, maybe, but real. And not just because the Republicans are trying to fan the flames. There are grounds for concern that Hillary would show so much hubris and self-regard that she would use a private server for public business–and not the occasional message, but every day, all day. I’m a yellow-dog Democrat, but I am concerned with what that says about her as a possible President. I’m sure there are a lot of people who are not dyed-in-the-wool Republicans who feel that way, too.


My grounds of concern are less about Hilary doing so, than there is that this wasn’t raised as an issue for the previous SoS personnel, and that emails were destroyed en masse by the previous administration illegally. Nobody wants to talk about that so they’re going to scream and flail about HRC instead. But they’ve spent a year on this and goodness knows how many taxpayer dollars and they haven’t found a smoking gun yet. It’s another Benghazi…it’s about tanking her in the polls.

So no, my issue isn’t that she chose to use a private server. My issue is the flaming hypocrisy that is allowing this to be fanned as a possible crime when a) it was never against the rules during her tenure, and b) previous holders of the position did the same damn thing without ever - EVER - being questioned.

Do I think it was smart politically? No, hell no. But what is lost in the sturm-und-drang is the fact that she didn’t break the gotdamn law by virtue of what the rules said. What the rules say NOW means it can’t be done, but you can’t put toothpaste back in the tube.


JJR–I feel as you do. I’m not a huge Hillary fan (I was never much of a fan of Bill, either), but at this point I’d probably vote for her in the primary as the Democrat most likely to win. But we Democrats need to start thinking about who else could win. I agree with you about Bernie and the others. I actually hope that Joe Biden runs, because he might be–might be–a credible alternative if Hillary falters. Frankly, the mini-boomlet in speculation about Al Gore interested me. (The one I really want is Elizabeth Warren, but she’s not in a position to mount a credible candidacy.)