Discussion: Colo. County Clerk Rejects Ultimatum: Same-Sex Marriage 'Legal And Just'

Discussion for article #224604

Countdown to Libs squealing like a pig about how she is violating the law. 5…4…


No squealing here. First, I am all for marriage equality, period.

So many judges in various states have confirmed marriage equality, it’s hard for me to keep straight which state it’s legal. Is there any standing judgment for Colorado? Perhaps she’d using one of the federal judge rulings to apply to her state? I just don’t see yet where she’s getting the statement that it’s legal, except by fiat. Help me see this clearly.

She means Libs the commenter, not liberals. Correct me if I’m wrong imkmu3.

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Oh, I’m pretty new to the comment section, so don’t know the famous users yet. thanks.

You’re correct. Sorry for the confusion.

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Oh you’ll get familiar fast sadly, trust me. Welcome though!

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Sorry for assuming you’re a woman, just realized that.

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Force a confrontation, so this ban can go down like the rest of them!

A three-member panel from the 10th circuit Federal court of appeals ruled that Utah’s gay marriage ban was unconstitutional last week. That 10th circuit includes Colorado.

This clerk should be immediately fired, she doesn’t get to legislate on her own. The law, as wrong as it is, it’s still the law and she doesn’t get to change it at her will.

Sounds like what Bruce Hanes did in Montgomery County, PA - start issuing licenses based on external legal decisions by which he felt bound. That helped to force the issue in Court, ultimately leading to the death of PA’s anti-same sex marriage statute. Of course here, the Clerk had the support of the AG. Hope the Colorado Clerk has the same effect.

Good on her. The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional, so she has every right, and indeed, a duty, to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples who request them.

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Just file the licenses and dare him to do something about it.

All it takes is guts.