But when it comes time, he won’t stop using campaign donations to pay for bail.
CNBC said Collins had paid the firm up to $60,000 a month for legal services since July 2017. In October 2017, The Buffalo News reported that Collins’ campaign had paid the firm $162,823.27 over July, August and September 2017 on legal fees.
If he’s wealthy enough to pay this amount of money out of his own pocket, he had no need to break the law via insider trading, although for some greed has no bounds. Perhaps he’s paid up in advance?
Such incredible magnanimity and kindness we have never seen…
Well now, that’s mighty White of him.
Instead, he will use the profits from another insider trading deal.
Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) used campaign donations to pay his legal bills for a congressional probes into his alleged insider trading, but he has pledged to stop doing so a day after being indicted on charges of insider trading and lying to the FBI, CNBC reported Thursday.
Uncle Rico: “How much you wanna make a bet that it’s because he’s already spent all of his campaign donations?”
“Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) used campaign donations to pay his legal bills…”
Rubles well spent.
It’s probably coming out of his “mistress funds”. He’s paying his lawyers half a Stormy Daniels each month!
So something like half a million in legal bills even before being indicted? Wow. Or maybe the law firm is friends of his and the money had to go somewhere…
Not so many Ostrich Clothing vendors in Buffalo.
“Representative Collins is also not taking calls or responding to email or other forms of correspondence from Representative Billy Long and has instructed me to tell him to pound sand.”
“. . . out of his own pocket,” which is already full of money from the pockets of other people.
There is the key phrase. But there is also the fact that people like Collins get a kick out of playing these games and getting away with them, even if they only make a small amount of money. Part of what makes Romney so evil is that I think even after he understood that he was killing companies and jobs to fill his own coffers, and he had more than enough money already, he continued to play the game because it made him feel powerful.
Representative Collins, should we use campaign donations to …
Ssshhhh…tut tut… hush… SHUT UP!
I’m surprised he has not set up a go fund me page so that all the millionaires he created can express their appreciation
As the swamp gets deeper----
Nah. He’s got plenty of associates who will slip him the money in return for “other valuable considerations”.
A Collins spokesperson told the network, in its words, that “going forward, the congressman will pay for his legal bills out of his own pocket.”
Is that the pocket full of insider trading money?
I notice that his hot stock tips cost a bunch of other dickhead Republicans a bunch of money. He must be real popular in the lunchroom.
Never fails. Rich guys will use other peoples money every time.