Collins is a bit like McCain, in that she talks a good “maverick” game, but when it comes time to vote, she almost always folds.
Still, it’s helpful to have these milquetoast renegades at least speaking our against Bannon joining the NSC. It allows the Dems to say “look, even Republicans are against putting this political hack on the NSC.” Not a huge help, but a help. And at this point we need all the help we can get.
(Edited to add: For those of you thinking “Milquetoast Renegade” would make a great title for an unauthorized biography of Senator Collins, too late, I’ve already got it copyrighted. For those of you thinking “that would make a great band name,” go for it…just remember me when you get famous!)
like you matter
You’re a woman, this is Trump’s world and you need to know your place in it.
Of course you could always show some spine and stand up to him. He can’t fire you. And your ignorant constituents still seem to feel the GOP stands for something so you’ll probably keep your useless job. Do you matter? Nope.
He did 7 years in the Navy, went to business school, worked for Goldman Sachs and later in entertainment, then headed up a racist Web site. He’s also hypo-manic, abdominally obese and chronically disheveled. Many have commented on the remarkable red glow radiating from his nose.
“Modern Russian conservatism is both anti-communism and anti-liberal.” ~Alexander Dugin
“We can call it Cultural Marxism, but at the end of the day, we experience it on a day to day basis, by that I mean a minute by minute, second by second basis. It’s political correctness and it’s multiculturalism.” ~Andrew Breitbart
Someone told me they looked at the statute and there’s a pretty clear argument that nobody should be on that committee without having first obtained one of the enumerated offices or a position of secretary or undersecretary and that ALL the relevant positions that are eligible require Senate confirmation. TPM, you on this?
I would fucking love to see Bannon squirm at a confirmation hearing. LOVE. IT.
True. Nor are all pedophiles, wife beaters, ax murderers or arsonists. They all have redeeming qualities, you just have to keep an open mind and probe for them.
I don’t disagree, but I don’t have any idea how the confirmation process would work or be justified for a political advisor. To the extent that there’s any chance for actual change, it would probably have to be to enforce the membership rules. If they can successfully argue that there’s a loophole, then fix the rule so it is crystal clear.