Now is the time. I can clutch my pearls, or exercise my power.
American democracy hangs in the balance.
These quotes show they will tow the party line.
They’ll both fold like a cheap suit. The only people that hate women more than Republican men are Republican women.
She said that she won’t just blithely walk the party line because…
But she will because she ALWAYS does.
Remember the wonderful deal she cut
Susan Collins Wanted to ‘Get to Yes’ on Tax Bill So Badly She Accepted Promises Written in Vanishing Ink
A waste of time. Murkowski and Collins will vote for an ‘acceptable’ SC nominee who will appear not to be a right wing religious wackadoo. Even if they don’t, and Trump decides to nominate the Evangelical’s top choice, there’s the problem of Senators Donnelly, Heitcamp and Tester, having already proven how flexible and scared they are, by voting with Republicans in nominating Torture Queen Gina Haspel for CIA and with the poor poor banks against the CFPB.
Sen Schumer has to find another way.
He should work on Dean Heller. He is up for reelection and vulnerable. With NV’s latino population and the current immigration/ family separation going on he can maybe get somewhere.
When we win back the Congress and the WH, we will have to expand the size of SCOTUS. Eleven justices feels just about right to me.
There will be a month of sturm und drang, followed by a vote to confirm somehwere in the range of 58-42. Whereupon Trump will boast-tweet for a couple days about how his nominee received bipartisan support, proving he’s a genius leader beloved by all real, patriotic Americans.
Oh please, TPM. Don’t fall for the faux drama.
The only candidate that Collins and Murkowski would reject would be wearing a white robe with a pointy hood at the hearings.
Unless Mueller drops a bomb directly implicating Trump in complicity/conspiracy with Russia, or money laundering, etc., in the the next 3-4 months, whichever miscreant he picks will be on the SCOTUS. The feckless twosome, Collins and Murckowski are a couple of legislative runts who will do anything to remain in power. This is another tainted SCOTUS pick owing to Trumps’ criminal past and present. And this should be driven home to the electorate during the midterm campaigns. Our savior is us!
These two wankettes are not our saviors. They are not worth the effort. Total waste of time
So, the same people that went to the polls on 11/08/2016.
Your analysis is correct I believe - it is a done deal.
Use this to GOTV in November.
This thing where people, especially journalists, persist in imputing good faith to Susan Collins is a lot like the way people trapped in abusive relationships behave.
Hopefully this will at least end their careers.
I would then expect another republican in Alaska, because Alaska, but Maine should be a probable blue pickup.
And since McConnell can lie to them without any consequences, it’s not difficult to estimate how much power they have.
Oh hell they are no worse than any other GOP Senator. I even vomit every timeI see a picture of Rubio, Cruz, Cornyn, you name them they all make me sick.