Buckle up for the tweetstorm.
Anyone else remember the old precision knife-trowing act at circuses and boardwalk carnivals? Well, they should be giving “sidestep, duck and run” lessons to Current Occupant and his people, because Cohen was seen sharpening his knives on the car ride to the Hill.
So I know someone who has worked over the years with a certain congressperson who would have heard Cohen’s behind-closed-doors testimony, and they were both at a local fundraiser (for a place both support, not for the congressperson) this past weekend. They spoke briefly about last week’s events. Basically, congressperson said Cohen is a “broken man” and there’s a whole lot more the public hasn’t heard yet that will eventually see the light of day.
I think everyone knows that there’s much more, etc. But it was nice to hear from someone I know for a fact has a relationship with said congressperson and who doesn’t embellish stuff.
Oh, and congressperson got a standing ovation from the crowd when they entered the fundraiser. They weren’t even introduced, it just happened spontaneously, which is pretty cool.
Article spends one sentence on Russia, and FIVE FUCKING PARAGRAPHS on whether Cohen asked for a pardon.
Associated Press, my ass. This is Associated Spin.
Thanks for that.
It validates my belief about Cohen - that he really is broken. And that there is so much we still haven’t heard.
No impeachment talk necessary, just month after month of Trump and Company proven criminal wrong doing, which is in unlimited supply, until the voters demand impeachment or slaughter Trump and Republicans at the polls. Dirty Donny’s time would be more wisely spent pre-booking a suite at a Federal or NY State Pen for when he and his little Trump crime family are moved from the White House to the Big House.
Thanks for that…by the way, I just bought an “AP Translator” and have hooked it up.
“Could Touch on Russia” = “Already Has touched, Is Touching and Will Touch On Russia and Much More!”
Touched Russia So Much that the Orange Dumbass’s Flag Hugging Looks Like a Limp Handshake in Comparison
What Cohen says doesn’t mean much. What he taped, documented, and filmed surely do.