Discussion: Cohen Wants Avenatti Gagged, Says Is Tainting The Case With 'Publicity Tour'

Yeah, right. With Insane Clown Patsy Rudy Giuliandrews going on TV every 5 minutes spouting inanities and lies, I don’t think you are going to shut Avenatti up, Cohen.
What a fucking snowflake! I don’t remember him telling Trump to stop Tweeting about the case he is involved in, but Avenatti is supposed to keep his mouth shut to please your sorry, corrupt ass?


Avenatti has the high ground. I don’t get what he is trying to accomplish at this point. Why does he continue to taunt Cohen? Rudy, yes. Trump, certainly. But Cohen is a pathetic, broken character. He is about to be arrested and probably will go to jail. It seems to be personal between Avenatti and Cohen and that is never good for the lawyer’s client.

So…Cohen’s attorney is arguing that Avenatti, by adopting some of Trump’s publicity tactics, is perverting the justice system

I’d love to the judge to say “you’re right, Avenatti, Rudy and Trump are all hereby gagged and will be jailed if they say one more word about it in public”

Because Mueller isn’t saying anything and Rudy’s out there giving his best Goebbels impersonation every day of the week

Freedom of speech as long as we ok it.

“Can’t you do something, Judge? He’s making my stupid client look stupid!”