Why did it go from public to closed door?
The article says it’s due to the threats made to Cohen and his family. I expect the real reason is to prevent immunizing indictees via Cohen’s testimony.
I’m sick of all this stuff taking place in private. The public needs to know what is happening and see the actual evidence. NOW!!
So does this mean that the 'pubs have finally named their members to the Intel Committee? My understanding as of today was that they hadn’t and the committee was blocked from starting their work until the rest of the committee was named.
And I agree that it’s a disgrace not to hold these hearings in public but it also means that BLOTUS won’t be able to watch them and live tweet them.
He will have to wait until his stooges on the committee breach security.
Threats made by trumpp in tweets about Cohen’s very dangerous 87-year old father-in-law. Amplified by Fox a few times I think, not sure.
@rob_beatty_walters You’re not going to get your wish, er, demand.
I think he 's doing it because the Senate Intelligence Committee wants to interview him now too. That interview, some commentators think, is a way to disrupt the Mueller investigation. Maybe the thought is to get stuff out before the friendlier House committee before he has to face the bloviating Senators, and possible to insulate some of the material. We’ll see.