Sounds like some of these companies deserved to be taken to the cleaners by this con man. Real smart businesspeople. Yeah, right.
Is this viable as an SEC investigation?
Anyone have a full list of these fools that wasted their money? Could a boycott be in order?
Sometimes you’re the crusher, sometimes you’re the crushee.
Times are changing, Mikey …
Are we sure that EC was the only shell company that Cohen was using? Even a half-decent skeevy lawyer would be expected to have multiple shell businesses for these kinds of payments. We only know about EC because of the Clifford lawsuit, remember.
‘I’m crushing it! That’s me and the boss deep sea fishing. Biggest tuna ever caught! Get out your checkbooks gentlemen. And reach deep!!’
Oh, and check out my limo too! Yes, that is real Corinthian leather. Go ahead, feel it!
And this was happening right around the time Trump said he the pharma companies were “getting away with murder,” which I’m sure was a coincidence. Man, these guys are getting their jugulars cut by inches every day. This is the thing about conspiracies–they often come apart at the seams, even when they’re not engaged in by crude, stupid idiots.
[quote=“paulw, post:5, topic:72035”]
Are we sure that EC was the only shell company that Cohen was using?
[/quote]I’m betting there were at least 5 other LLC accounts that this same kind of influence peddling money was flowing through. As the fucking moron would say, “Stay tuned.”
Hey, Michael … this is a rock pile. Crush it, dickhead.
It was revealed on Tuesday that several companies paid Cohen’s consulting firm in order to gain insight into the Trump administration, including the American affiliate of a company owned by a Russian oligarch who attended Trump’s inauguration.
It was revealed on Tuesday that several companies paid Cohen’s consulting firm in order to gain insight into the Trump administration, including the American affiliate of a company owned by a Russian oligarch who attended Trump’s inauguration, ***for which many of them seemingly got nothing in return.***
This is the GOP, folks. Ethics be damned. Backdoor payments for a chance to make lots more money? You bet. Corruption as a business model? Sure! Extort your congresscritters for tax cuts? Natch.
Jesus Christ: Tony Soprano would have backed a car over him before the end of Season 2. I’d pity Cohen if he weren’t such a scumbag.
Speaking of crushing it
You better watch out, Karma is a bitch
Or the ever popular
“We’ll See”
Mrs. Clinton’s opponent, Donald J. Trump, could face his own complications if he becomes president, with investments abroad and hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate debt — financial positions that could be affected by moves he makes in the White House. And on Friday, Paul Manafort resigned as chairman of the Trump campaign, in part because of reports about his lucrative consulting work on behalf of pro-Russian Ukrainian politicians.1
No lawyer here but methinks these firms are o.k. on legal grounds since what they paid for is no different than what they pay their DC lobbying lawyers and/or say an AT&T lawyer/employee to do for the firm.
I do think they may be in trouble with their stockholders though.
Or is that what we are supposed to believe and walk away?
Cohen even asked people to share news articles that referred to him as Trump’s “fixer.”
No wonder Trump’s worried. Hahaha
Nothing LEGAL in return.
Reminiscing the nostalgia.