But if you’re not guilty, there’s no reason to plead the fifth, right?
Pleading the Fifth doesn’t mean you’re guilty.
On the other hand …
Being the guy who will do anything to protect Donald Trump:
That means you’re guilty.
Hey Donnie, what do you have to say about Cohen’s plan to ‘take the 5th’ to avoid self-incrimination regarding his alleged illegal and unethical actions while serving as your attorney?
“Uh, I take the 5th.”
Not unexpected.
Cohen has said that he would take many things to protect Trump. Like bullets. Now the Fifth. And it would seem that once in prison: dicks.
Does this have the same effect, civilly speaking, as refusal to produce something, or deliberate loss/destruction of evidence? I.e. that it’s OK for a jury or judge to assume that the answers being given do not help the defendant’s case? Or is it like criminal cases where you’re not allowed to infer the obvious?
Sadly for him and Trump, those boxes of files and audio tapes the FBI took from Cohen’s office won’t take the Fifth.
Lawyers / frequent defendants among us ?
Is this a stalling tactic? Does it essentially shut down Daniels’ case? If/when/can SDNY produces relevant documents will that continue the civil case? Can a judge use that to make a ruling?
Seems that nothing burger the Fright-Wing™ keeps crying over is turning out to be a Dagwood style burger after all…
Hey Mr. Cohen:
That’s what I was thinking. Stormy’s side will call for a decision. Cohen gets screwed.
Meanwhile, Ronny Johnson MD takes a fifth.
The end is nigh…
Merde A Lardo tweeting soon:
“FAKE NEWS miscoating me, of course, when I really said that the (((globalist))) and mooslim mobs take the fifth when they’re gilty. Everyone knows my guys are TOTALLY innocent and being witch hunted! “
Ya think, avvocato?
ETA Just wanted to note that all of Avenatti’s predictions — he’s batting 1.000! — have come true.
Why don’t these idiots (Cohen & Dotard) simply just DROP the litigation!!!??? Therefore it would be no need for invoking the 5th Amendment.
“I can’t say nuthin’ bout nuthin’ without implicating myself and Mr. Trump - who I would take a bullet for (but let’s talk about that plea deal, Mr. Mueller) - in criminal activity like you wouldn’t believe.”