Cohen is coming off a lot better than the R reps who are questioning him.
It takes a crook on his way to jail to call out the crook in Congress.
Way to go, Mr. Lynch!
Something to remember: the GOP is on the ropes, long-term. Declining support in almost every demographic. Wildly unpopular policies.
No animal, when cornered, simply lies down and dies. It fights to the death. Yes, some GOPers are likely worried about their own exposure in illegal doings. But, in general, the party was already at death’s door in 2016, until Trump led them to embrace bullhorn-style xenophobia and white supremacy.
The GOP will get nasty. Their backs are to the wall, and they’re out of options.
Can we please get some righteous anger from the Dems? R’s like Jordan and Graham carry on with all of this bluster and try to grab control of the narrative…and in Graham’s case, to some extent, he succeeded. Somebody needs to put the smackdown on these guys with a “Have you no sense of decency, sir?” moment. So tired of them trying to run roughshod and thinking that throwing a tantrum is a winning play if it’s done with enough pseudo-conviction.
Meadows just brought in an African American employee of Trump to argue he’s not racist. Ah, fond memories of Inhofe bringing a snowball into congress to argue against climate change.
Well, there’s always the National Emergency power grab followed by the Unitary Executive declaring a permanent national emergency and a permanent suspension of the Constitution. That’s certainly possible…
Let me guess…Meadows and Jordan will now send a letter attempting to interfere with his sentencing and claiming that he repudiated his guilty pleas and cooperation agreement or some other nonsense.
Yep. They are completely unable to hide how desperate they are to save Trump from the shit falling out of his mouth.
Bless his gangster heart, he still thinks the gop possesses the ability to feel shame.
“Everybody’s job at the Trump Organization was to protect Mr. Trump.” Same at the White House.
I appreciate what you’re saying, however, it is so hard to listen to these righteous Rethugs say the same thing over and over like we might have forgotten Cohen will be going to prison and that he lied.
At the end of the day will these rabids be proud of their questions?
I want the republican party to disappear.
Well, you know damned well that if Jordan had made this statement in front of the cameras and mics of the media, no one would’ve pushed back on the false interpretation. Mighty nice of someone, anyone, to push back on these lying liars that lie with impunity.
How long is the break? I couldn’t hear Mr. Cummings.
Knowing Mr Jordons history of looking the other way at illegal activities, his selective outrage is duly noted.
Well “get” nasty? They’ve become a vivid and chilling reminder of the confederacy that split our nation in two.
Michael Cohen is fucking Donald Trump on TV for all of us. He whored himself into the bedroom, but he’s now doing the deed for all of us and for that I thank him in this moment.
This just in…
Fordham University confirms Michael Cohen’s testimony that he threatened legal action if President Donald Trump’s academic records were released.
The former Trump Organization lawyer told congressional investigators that Trump directed him to threaten his high school, colleges and the College Board not to release his grades or SAT scores.
A spokesperson for Fordham, which Trump attended for two years, confirmed to NPR that a representative from the Trump campaign contacted the school toward the beginning of the race asking about the release of school records.
“We told the caller that Fordham is bound by federal law,” the spokesperson told NPR, “and that we could not/would not reveal/share any records.”
The spokesperson said that was the school’s policy regardless of whether the former student was running for office.
After that call, the spokesman said, “Fordham received a follow-up letter from one of Mr. Trump’s attorneys summarizing the call and reminding us that they would take action against the University if we did, in fact, release Mr. Trump’s records.”
Cohen shared with the House Oversight Committee copies of a letter he sent at Trump’s direction threatening civil and criminal actions against those schools if his grades or SAT scores were ever disclosed without permission.
Too bad Cohen didn’t tell Jordan that he didn’t want to get into a wrestling match with him!
wink, wink