Discussion: Cohen After Second House Intel Hearing: 'All Of The Members Were Satisfied'

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My guess is that Nunes and other republicans did not even bother to showā€¦

Speaking of which, this peice from ABC is a great read: https://abcnews.go.com/US/lawyers-claiming-ties-rudy-giuliani-approached-michael-cohen/story?id=61514204

Reading between the lines Guilliani had two lawyers (who will have no confidentiality) approach Cohen to get him not to turn and then - when he hired someone who Trump/Guilliani did not want - get thisā€¦ send a bill for their ā€œservicesā€ to Cohen which included calls with Guilliani.

My guess is that this report will spark bar complaints in NY against Guilliani, and if he was involved, he should be disbarred. This is really serious stuff, and highly unethical, not to mention likely illegal witness tampering.

It was also really, really, really stupid. This is high school level stupid and suggests that Guilliani is completely unable to cover his own tracks, is really just out of control/his mind. really boggles the mind that he would so clearly involve himself into a conspiracy to obstruct justice like this.


ā€œI believe that all of the members were satisfiedā€¦ā€

What a co-inky-dink! Thatā€™s exactly what Roger Stone and Paul Manafort are going to be saying about their compatriots in cell block 11.

(Yeah, I know weā€™re not supposed to joke about prison rape. But - cā€™mon! This is Stone and Manafort weā€™re talking about here! Poetic licentiousness, people!)


When I walk down the street
In Queens they step aside.
Every senate I meet,
they all stay satisfied.

I wonā€™t perjor pretty baby
Though I feel all alone
Let me tell you somethinā€™ mama
Iā€™m sad to the bone


I hope we have not paid to much attention to Cohen and his side show and not enough attention to the biggest threat to our Democry and our way of life, Mitch McConnell. As time goes on and he plays his game I become more and more convinced he is more of a threat than Trump and all of his minions combined. None of Trumps nonsense would happen without the full force of McConnell. Just as one example, our judicial will not recover for generations.


I think the NY Bar Association has membership rolls. Could he not also be dismembered after being disbarred? (Asking for a Member of Congress.)


"ā€œhostileā€¦testimony given by a liar to reduce his/her prison time.ā€

That sure covers a lot of people in the current Trump administration after they have been caught and Trumps response.

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Trump is just a circus clown. McConnell is the guy with the whip.


Where Guilliani comes from they favor Cement Shoes over Dismemberment.

ā€œAll of the members were satisfied.ā€œ


Wow, sheā€™s got a real Reefer Madness vibe there.


But are they still masters of their domain?






Iā€™d like to see him dismembered, limb by limb.

ā€˜All Of The Members Were Satisfiedā€™

Did they smoke a cigarette afterwards?

ETA I see ralph vonholst got there quicker and better.


McConnell and the GOP Senate seem totally corrupted and compromisedā€¦ and yet totally invulnerable at the same time by most people with pen and inkā€¦and a microphone.


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The miniature morality play that is Michael Cohenā€™s renunciation of Trump is one of the things that gives me hope that, despite Trumpā€™s immense power, he will be tripped up by his fundamental inability to care about or understand his fellow person ā€” whether a loyal confidante or an anonymous hurricane victim.


all depends on how this turns out, but if it even remotely goes the way Iā€™ d like to see, Comrade McTraitor will be another Benedict Arnold chapter in the history book

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And Rudy of all people should know that you Do. Not. Screw. With. SDNY.

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