You can’t change the devil, the devil changes you.
Hey, I work for an idiot! Whadya want from me???
I saw a mom one time walking behind an obviously bratty-ass kid who was paying her little attention, going on to him in this tone of weary patience that he should think more about the choices he makes. God help you, I thought. A point comes when it’s a bit late for the least invasive approach. Age 72 is certainly past that point.
MSNBC just showed Andrea Mitchell,as she’s interviewing Coats in Aspen, announcing the breaking news that Trump is inviting Putin to come to the White House in September.
Coates leans over and asks somewhat incredulously, “Say what again?”
The audience laughs.
Good grief.
JFC he’s pathological. What’s he gonna do? Crown him king? That’s just out of control. He’s trying to prove it was not either a total disaster in Helsinki. You’ll see! They called me crazy! Well who’s crazy nowwwww!!! Mwa ha ha ha haaaaa!!!
They said something about a meeting between the two countries’ national security people. WTF?
That’s nuts. Just out of control. Give him the codes while you’re at it, you Cheeto-colored lunatic from beyond the Moon.
Even though I understand it’s sometimes natural to laugh, I find it totally unnerving when the conversation is about national security. I also found Coats’ comments to be rather weak and unconvincing if we thought that he might take a hard stand against the President if necessary.
Coats said it was “probably not the best thing to do” for Trump to have invited the Russian foreign minister and ambassador into the Oval Office.
Bingo - that’s got to be Trump’s irrational motivation for inviting Putin to DC IN THE FALL!
“My thoughts there were that I believed I needed to correct the record for that, and that this is the job I signed up for, and that was my responsibility,” Coats replied.
“Obviously, I wished he had made a different statement. But I think that now that has been clarified, based on his late reactions to this, and so I don’t think I want to go any further than that.”
I found it insulting to his audience to say that his people should try not to be “political”. This problem is entirely political as it relates to the hijacking of America’s more vulnerable party, the GOP, a party dominated by the wealthiest members of our society that uses fear of the other to motivate targeted groups of voters. The GOP has become an extension of that oligarch power, much like United Russia provides legitimacy to Russia’s oligarch class. In other words, a Managed Democracy model. Ordinarily in civil service, partisan affiliation should have no impact on performing your duties, but here you already have have partisan purges throughout the government, with the State Department perhaps the saddest gutting of all. The federal judiciary is being purged as you read this. He should have said, call out these partisan hacks immediately, otherwise you may be complicit in a foreign government’s efforts to subvert our government and the welfare of Americans.
I am laughing and crying at the same time. Effing republicans!! Do something!
As Eric Swalwell just said, they all need to be asked, “Whose side are you on?”
Coats On Trump: ‘Obviously, I Wished He Had Made A Different Statement’
“Like, maybe a true one”, he added.
At least he didn’t sing his praises. They’re all walking on thin ice with Trump. Disgusting and frightening. Will they do what’s best for the country when push comes to shove (and I fear we’re moving in that direction)?
Well, based on this interview, I wouldn’t count on Coats to be in that category.
Russia is completely disrespectful of America. Complete and utter disrespect for the entire world to see. I have never felt so humiliated as an American.
Might as well come out with the Putin/Trump 2020 signs, made in China of course. Gives the term “red states” a whole new meaning.
Dude, Dan, it’s time to resign.