In Lincoln’s day, a telegram from him was considered an order. I agree with you in principle, but Article 90 doesn’t exclude social media. I don’t know how a court-martial would respond.
However, I think it’s quite appropriate for the services to wait for directions on implementation before taking action and that’s what’s happening.
Such a downer. On the plus side all the missile launches, reentries, and blasts will be captured in high definition satellite observations, and automatically stored in secure data facilities for some future explorers to review. It will be the greatest event in the truncated history of mankind. Winning is everything.
Mulling over scenarios after the election I thought a mutiny by the joint chiefs to some insane order, causing a constitutional crisis, was among the possible events leading to Combover-in-Chief’s defenestration. I’m thinking these days that possibility has moved up in likelihood. I’m not talking about a coup, but mutiny, as in refusal to carry out an order deemed illegal or seen as putting national security at undue risk, and rejection of the sitting Prez as the C in C. Rejection of an illegal order is something officers are obligated to do, the nat’l security aspect may be where we have to trust their considered judgment and courage to act. If this were to occur, the pressure on Congress to step up and resolve the impasse would be extreme and we might finally see enough R’s grow a pair that the gears would start turning toward impeachment, or if the crisis had sufficient immediacy Pants and the Cabinet may feel forced to act.
There are a lot of other possibilities, of course, but this is one of the most frightening because almost by definition only a really dire situation could bring it about, so its not to be wished for.
Disco dancing with deferred status bone spurs. “Was that the left or right foot? Can’t remember that lie (cough) extremely painful medical condition requiring numerous doctor’s visits.” - Commander in Chief Don
With all due respect to the other services, USCG is on call 24/7 to risk their lives to defend and save lives, many times in seas that would make the rest of us crap our pants. A brave lot.
If someone hijacks Trump’s Twitter accout and orders the military to take a violent action immediately, is that an order that should be carried-out? Trump’s twitter account isn’t Trump.
While it may have sounded like foot dragging, the chairman of the JCS was absolutely right about how policy gets implemented in DoD. If officers are resisting the directive after it has been issued, that’s when we should see posts about active resistance and disobeying orders.
My 80 year old Pop’s an old Coastie, active in the Pacific mid-1950’s, Reserve until he got so old they threw him out, Auxiliary whenever he’s near water, which is most of the time. I’m proud of his service, USCG is the least-appreciated branch but the one that humbly does great good for this country every single day. They are some brave MF"s, no doubt about it.
A friend who is a professional mariner told me that the Coasties have a saying: “You have to go out. There’s nothing that says you have to come back.” That sums it up.
Of course he consulted with no one. All a distraction (that worked really well) to make sure there was no coverage of Bill Browder’s testimony on the Magnitsky Act to the Senate Intelligence committee. Adoptions? Yeah, right.