Discussion: CNN's Don Lemon Mocked For 'Blizzardmobile' Storm Coverage

The bad part is that here’s Lemon’s replacement:

Don had to settle for the only blizzard he could find…


MSNBC actually managed to lower America’s collective IQ last night during a discussion of company-provided snow hats between a studio-bound Tweety and Craig Melvin reporting live from deepest, darkest Rockefeller Ice Rink.
I must, however, mention that I’ve observed some very professional grade school and high school closed circuit broadcasting distinguished by a maturity sadly lacking at the old cable and over the air networks.

Just imagine how this clown would have covered Katrina.

Having grown up in Michigan and now in DC, I astounded that we have 2 hour school delays over 1 inch of snow. They don’t let the kids play outside when there is snow or when it dips below a frostbite-inducing 40 degrees. We’d have never gone outside for recess most of the school year if they had these rules in place then.

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Lemon is lucky some upset cop pissed because he had to pull duty in the storm didn’t arrest him for “looting while black”.

I recall a guy from the weather channel reporting last summer on a “sure to come” flood here in Tucson cuz we had an inch rainfall…here he was in rain gear standing*** in*** the wash and looking hopefully up stream for the tsunami that never came.

Deflated balls fer sure.

Same - grew up in Chicago and live in the DMV and I was shocked at how little it takes them to freak out about any kind of winter weather. They’ll do 2 hour delays or cancel school because of a forecast of snow. It’s not like it never snows here, it does all the time, this is a northern state. Don’t complain about the school delays out loud though, the parents here are aggressively self-righteous and nasty about it.

Looking at CNN right now you’d think it has never ever snowed before.

Why is it that when reporting on weather events those on camera feel compelled to stand out in the teeth of the storm when …hey …it’s storming outside…I GET IT… YA DON’T HAFTA STAND IN THE BLIZZARD TO MAKE A POINT!


Actually, they think they do. Here we have a weatherman who drives an SUV that he opens up in the bacl to display a huge touch-screen monitor. Even with that he feels compelled to stand out in the snow to show us it’s going to be a great day for skiing.

I understand Josh’s need for coffee (see his piece on the main page). But Ice Coffee? My morning drink of choice is fresh ground 'n brewed beans from the slopes of Poas volcano in San Jose Costa Rica. The beans imported from Doka Estate and roasted by a local coffee merchant here in Tucson is my brand of choice. But if Josh likes cold coffee concentrate who am I to say otherwise?

Right now Wolf Blitzer is reporting with displays of massive snow on screens behind him. That’s adequate for me to get the point. Standing in the flood and blizzard as a young female reporter was doing 10 minutes ago is not necessary. Especially so because near her was a live downed power line and she was quite close to the water it was laying in. That’s clearly an unnecessary risk.

Airedales are compelled to show all of us how brave they are. I’ve run into it time and time again.

Yesterday on CNN one of the blondes called is " fluffy " wet snow.

Huh ?

Maybe she meant: “Fluffy (referring to herself in the third person) calls it wet snow.”

He didn’t call himself Don Lizard, did he?

I’d like to think this is the last of the fear-mongering storm predictions but I’m sure people will insist that it’s better to be safe than sorry. I live in Manhattan and there was absolutely no reason for businesses, buses and the subways to be closed today. Naturally, I appreciate a paid day off for six inches of snow, but I’m concerned about the wussification of a city that used to pride itself on handling tough circumstances. Now it seems the motto of NYC should change from The City That Never Sleeps to The City That Shuts Down At the Hint of Precipitation.

2 days of wall to wall coverage of some snow falling in NYC. No idea what was happening in the rest of the country or the world as far as cable news went. Some news vehicle driving around on empty streets with a very thin coating of snow was pretty boring. Even worse was the poor guy standing out in the snow for hours reporting on…not much.

Shutting down the subway mystified me. When surface transportation is shut down the subway seems like the ideal answer to help workers get around. Wasn’t the blizzard of 1888 the reason the subway was built in the first place?

When I lived in Calgary as a kid the only time school closed was when we couldn’t see more than a couple feet in front of us during a blizzard. Since we all walked to school – about 10 -11 blocks from where I lived – visibility was important or kids were lost. We only had one of those kind of blizzards in the three years I lived there as I recall.

If Josh likes Ice Coffee because it is less acidic he should try Indian coffee which is very mild and smooth. The addition of chicory to the Ice Coffee doesn’t seem to make for a smooth drink.

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