Discussion: CNN's Biggest Embarrassment: Don Lemon's 8 Most Absurd Moments (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #230335

The new motto of American news media: Stupid Sells.

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I have always felt good about the fact that as of yet no one has been so inspired by my stupidity that they decided to start digging though my past and making lists.


this guy is getting stupider and stupider.

I still maintain that Wolf Blitzer is the single most unintelligent person on CNN. It’s all int he eyes and Lemon’s just aren’t quite as vacant. Or maybe it’s more like they’re both vacant and it’s just that when you compare them, Lemon’s are like a vacant move theater and Blitzer’s are like a vacant Olympic stadium…two things that are totally empty, and yet one is definitely vacanter than the other haha


It’s the same sort of progression that Homer Simpson went through in seasons one through five. He just gets dumber and dumber. Expect next year something analogous to this scene in which Homer tries to impersonate Mr Burns to get an incriminating letter at the post office.


I’ve never seen Blitzer except when I’m in a bar, and never seen Lemon period, but I’d say Blitzer is indeed vacant—he’s so accepting of and steeped in TV news’s banal and superficial worldview that he’s got an eerie, soulless, Stepford-anchor quality to him. Lemon just seems like your garden variety airhead—a dizzbomb, but still recognizably human.

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ThIS is WHY bLACks vOTE agAINSt their OWN Interests. Libtards ARE DISMISSive ANd RAcist OVer Don LEMON’s poIGnant oBsERVATIons.


“…Lemon serves as an adjunct professor at Brooklyn College, where he educates the journalism industry’s next generation.”

I weep…

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You really have to have a special kind of stupid to work for CNN.

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Same as the old motto.

The real question is why anyone imagines that CNN is news. It’s entertainment, as are all TV news shows.

If you want real news, you read about it. If you want to pretend you want news, you watch it on TV. You can learn more in ten minutes online than a whole day on CNN, and they’re one of the better ones.

mmm, that one was good.

Or with a good, old fashioned newspaper. When I was just starting out and totally broke, I’d spend a precious $4 on the Sunday Times and spend all day reading it - starting with the first story in the A section all the way to the last. I saved the other sections for later in the week, but just on that Sunday, I was always amazed at how much I’d learned.

A coda: According to his bio at CNN.com, Lemon serves as an adjunct professor at Brooklyn College, where he educates the journalism industry’s next generation.

Now that is depressing news.

this guy is a true idiot - cheers cnn

I have a very strict rule about cable news. If it’s cable, it ain’t news. Don Lemon - exhibit A.

This guy has got dipshit well covered.