Discussion: CNN: US Special Ops Attempted Hostage Rescue In Iran

Discussion for article #242039

False Flag! They’re attempted to divert attention from the Clinton testimony! Wake up sheeple!


You took the words right out of my mouth

Top story on cnn.com right now: Clinton to Face Benghazi panel

Ditto, Rush! :smiley:

Then go to CBS

hardly… msnbc is full-on clintonbenghaziclintonbenghaziclintonbenghazi…

I’m sad that we’ve (maybe) lost another life in the quagmire we created in Iraq, but if we’re going to be fighting on behalf of any group there, it ought to be like this - helping shore up a viable proto-nation (Kurdistan) who are pretty clearly capable of organizing themselves politically and militarily, and of actually fighting, rather than the Potemkin state the Bush administration tried to conjure up with their pathetic attempt at nation building.

The US army is truly an amazing fighting force and they can win; sadly the problem isn’t really a military problem, and the US Army sucks at nation building.


Starr said that CNN had not yet learned how many hostages the U.S. attempted to rescue or why the U.S. was involved in the mission.

CBS News reported on Thursday morning that one American soldier was killed when U.S. and Iraqi forces rescued 70 Kurdish hostages, citing a U.S. defense official.

So did they just attempt a rescue, which implies they weren’t succesful, did they actually rescue a bunch of hostages, or do we not know yet?

Is it me or is Hillary’s facial expression yelling “Okay, assholes, bring it on!”?

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Exactly. When I read “attempted” it means to me that it failed. I suppose they used it to hedge, since results are sketchy, but it’s not a good word choice if the outcome isn’t quite known yet IMHO.


70 hostages were rescued. “Attempted” is both incorrect and disrespectful to the people who pulled it off, including the one who was killed.


“I guess Oba-Mao feels the lives of 70 non-American Iraqi Kurd muzzies are more important than the lives of American hostages in Iran.”



“Why didn’t Obama just release more terrorist leaders from Gitmo in exchange for them?”



I think the number of refugees leaving Iraq as well as Syria is telling of how broken these two nations are. Like Yugoslavia, Iraq was a made up country and the fact that it could never unite post-Saddam behind the idea of Iraq versus fracturing along, tribal, ethnic and sectarian lines and crumbling in the face of the arguably less capable military threat of ISIS shows that what we broke could never be put back together again. The world would have been better off, as would most Iraqis, if we had never invaded. I doubt I’ll live long enough to see this part of the world return to some semblance of work-a-day.


CNN gets the ScoopyDo award.

Trey Gowdy forms another spayshul committee.


Armies typically aren’t meant to be construction crews. They’re trained to kill people and break things. Nation building is asking a hell of a lot for an army. Nation building is the work of politicians and they don’t do so well at it either I’m sad to say.


I’m looking at HRC as I write this. My impression of her with respect to the committee (with the sound off so I can concentrate on my spelling) is like this: