A car wreck on the way to the train wreck.
A car wreck on the way to the train wreck.
Perfect description.
See? He could mow people down on the way to the airport and not lose the nomination.
Is it just me or does that picture make him look like he’s morphing into Dick Luger?
Except, I like Dick Luger.
Sue them, Sue them!
They’ve now have footage of the accident:
Set to loop.
“The Trump campaign confirmed to the network the presumptive GOP nominee is ‘fine’ and Trump was currently en route to Cleveland.”
Only the little people stop to pull homeless guys out of their shattered windshields.
Betcha von Clownstick didn’ t even think twice about it.
Hell, if Manafort said he “was told” nobody was hurt, then it’s just common sense to assume there’s more dead and injured in the incident than there were at Antietam.
Being a human air-bag, I’m sure Donnie Drumpf escaped unharmed.
Too bad…
I call bullsh*t - Donald ran out of hairspray and they had to detour to a CVS so Christie could run out and buy a case of AquaNet.
“Sir, we’ve had a little fender-bender with some lady crossing the corner in a wheelchair – can you believe that? – A wheelchair!! What a c*nt! We’ll be on our way as soon as the limo crew pushes her off to the side.”
How the fsck do you do that in a motorcade. The whole idea of a motorcade is to clear out other traffic.
Was Mike Pence strapped to the roof?
Oh wait, that was Romney’s dog.
Never mind…
Now I understand why Trump didn’t pick Christie.
I think of that picture as the Trump fart picture. It’s his expression I guess.
Thanks Obama!