The long knives are being sharpened.
This whole Russia interference with the support of an American president is unbelievable.
Change “support” to lack of leadership going after the Russians, which probably translates to support.
Seriously, doesn’t everyone question whether Trump will last in office?
If the cancer isn’t removed, it just grows and spreads until it no longer removable.
Why nobody in our government seems to get this about Trump is amazing.
Everything is sloooooooooooow.
Putin owns Trump. The GOP thinks this is OK.
Whether Trump was an easily manipulated mark in this or an active participant, the situation we are in, this leadership in office, is not sustainable.
In the meantime, it’s getting more and more difficult to keep up with the daily news.
At least we now know why Trump was eager to take credit for the bust up. Trump is the king of misinformation.
And, in typical Drumpian style, he appears to suffer from premature Twitjaculation once again.
I’m sure the so-called POTUS will nip this in the bud and set us all straight soon enough.
I find this shit the scariest one since Jan 20…
Whether this particular bit of “fake news” actually led to the Qatar crisis does not seem to be the most important thing. Rather what is important is that it reveals Russia’s aims in this area. And–surprise surprise!–once again Trump is acting completely in accordance with what Russia wants. He is 100% Putin’s boy.
In fact, I bet we could infallibly predict Trump’s actions with this in mind. Take any area of the world and determine what sort of disturbance Russia would like to see the US cause. Then see if Trump does it.
And now this.
I’m speechless…
These are acts of war. I can’t see it any other way. I’m not advocating we bomb Russia, but they are creating major disruption without expending much effort and much of the world seems caught off guard and is unable to respond (not unlike American politics seems unable to respond effectively to Trump).
And Trump is an idiot to undermine an ally, yet again.
I don’t think Trump is in on this with the Russians. They’ve just profiled him enough to know what will set him off, and how to manipulate him. And, let’s face it, he doesn’t take Freud to figure out how to push Trump’s buttons.
But it is hugely scary that it is so easy to do, and no one is able to control him.
Is Putin planning to just walk in and take over the U.S. base or what?
My brain cannot handle this. Too much craziness, too quickly.
Putin is playing Trump like a fiddle, and the GOP is too scared/greedy to eject him from office.
Hey Republicans who are interested in being PotUS (and that’s all of you), what’s going to be left when Trump is gone? Not just the presidency, but the whole fucking American global order? Keep kissing this guy’s ass and the only thing you’ll inherit is ashes.
That’s a reasonable take, actually. Putin can do whatever he wants, and all Bannon and the boys have to do is hammer some thought into his little brain and he responds accordingly.
You’re the puppet, Donald.
Hillary was right.