That’s the best they got? Alright here’s another “unique” quality, he’s a sci-fi geek
Well then… at least he can’t put mustard on a hamburger!
Those might have been somewhat unusual qualities in a candidate in the Before Times. Nothing is slightly odd now. Does he paint his face orange and wrap his hair around his head like a turban, just for starters? No? Then STFU about his “unique” qualities.
It’s kinda funny to watch CNN report like this country is where it was circa 1996 or 2000 when we needed someone with ‘Bubba’ bona fides to win. It’s not that America any more. I’ve never seen a situation where network and cable tv essentially treat the majority as invisible and placate a dwindling minority for nostalgia.
If they can avoid any sentence which ends with an implied (. . . for a Black man), I’ll be happy enough.
I guess a slow day for CNN until the grand juries are done later and news leaks out.
Did they talk about his suits?
Really? Seems like that has been much of what they have been doing for the last 10 to 20 years.
I think they did embrace Obama and his vision of a new America in 2008. People were sick of Bush.
I canGAYnot tell what they are tryGAYing to communiGAYcate to midGAYdle America.
It’s called ‘driving the narrative’. Media (having no shame) will make a horse race out of transparent thrice married insatiable carnivore vs. transparent AA unmarried vegan. Probably working on it already.
“Let’s ask our panel.”
Does this mean no cold hamberders for the winning football team under President Booker???
he’s the only senator that lives in the inner city
So … what’s wrong with the inner city?
Presidential dating sounds like refreshingly enjoyable to get updates about. Ya know, instead our daily fret about DJT’s hamfistedly dismembering our country.
I’m so tired of thinking, “Well, maybe it isn’t as bad as it seems,” when it’s likely many times worse.
“He is the youngest senator that is going to be running. In his video he also mentioned he’s the only senator that lives in the inner city, and he’s an unmarried vegan. So a lot of very unique qualities Cory booker brings to the table, Kate,” Berg told CNN’s Kate Bolduan.
Well, this disqualifies him from ever challenging Joey Chestnut.
Oh come now! It’s where you find all of those Rapists. And Drug Addicts. And Welfare Queens. And young men wearing hoodies. You know, those people.
While it could be refreshing like Hugh Grant in “Love Actually,” it is also possible to imagine Fox News, the Enquirer and their ilk horrifically spinning everything into a distorted brew of perversion and toxic innuendo.
This is some hard-hitting reporting! And I heard that they also heard from some guy that he wears pastel bowties and designer shoes when he goes out for cocktails at a piano bar. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
It’s also their demographic. Every single cable new station caters to the over 50 crowd, as barely any young people watch television.
CORY BOOKER IS AN UNMARRIED VEGAN! That’s HUGE NEWS! Our daughter, by the way, was an unmarried vegan in college. My husband and I were sure she would starve and no one would ever want to marry her despite her drop-dead good looks and impressive intellect.