RC Hammond worked for Newt Gingrich That’s funny and also not at all surprising.
Wikipedia - Hammond served as the press secretary to Newt Gingrich’s 2012 presidential campaign. During the campaign, Hammond excluded national press from one of Gingrich’s news conferences and refused to take questions from a Los Angeles Times reporter because of a story he had written.[6] Following a campaign event in Alabama, Hammond threatened to withhold information from journalists if they wrote about Gingrich’s unavailability to the press. Asked if he was withholding access if the press printed something he didn’t want, he said “I’ve been doing that for the entire campaign.”[7]
During the campaign, Hammond received national media attention for his repeated confrontations with Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz.[8][9][10] Politico sarcastically referred to him as the “ever-lovable R.C. Hammond.”[5] The Los Angeles Times called Hammond a “political pit bull” and “sharp-tongued.”[11]
He previously served Gingrich at his American Solutions for Winning the Future PAC.
What did Odysseus do after kicking all the suitors out of his house? What with all the smears, trashing, bloodletting going on back there we’ll need a serious cleansing. Call Elsa Klench.
And now we come to the problem with antagonizing the press… you threaten to cut off their access and they point out that you either ignore their questions, or feed them lies. What do they need you for?
At this point, I don’t even think you have to go two steps up. I had at least vague hopes for Tillerson, but he is proving to be pretty awful. He is trying to run the State Department as if it is a corporation and he is the CEO, like he did ExxonMobil. He doesn’t seem to get that it doesn’t work that way, or at least isn’t supposed to work that way. Even if it did, he doesn’t get that he has to answer to the shareholders, and the citizens of the United States are the shareholders.