Discussion: CNN Panel Devolves Into Chaos At Mention Of Trump's Birtherism (VIDEO)

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So many buttons to push. So little time.
It is so easy to run them off the rails


So CNN has established that it is the same time in Washington, no matter which side of the “debate” you’re on – but not the same planet apparently.


It continues to defy logic how Donald Trump is this close to the presidency. This man seriously said that Trump doesn’t have to prove he’s not a racist. Please…make it stop.


Every day you think it can’t get any more incredibly surreal.
Every day you find that you are significantly incorrect.

Thanks, Comedy News Network, I needed the laughs!


So, Racism only valid when proven in a Court of Law?
A spade’s a spade no matter how you place it


Nothing says “inclusion” like having a pudgy old southern white guy denying he’s a racist / racism defender.


Hadn’t seen much of this Barry Bennett clown for a while. It’s like when you think some chronic yucky medical condition is finally gone and nope, it’s back.


So now a man can’t malign our first African American president as different, unAmerican, a secret enemy, and irrevocably Other to “normal” Americans, because reasons, and essentially make screaming “go back to Africa” at the first black president the entire basis for a political career, without out-of-control PC thug SJWs labeling him a racist? What next, readily available taco trucks?! What fresh hell is this?!?1


“You don’t have to prove that you’re not a racist!” Bennett protested.

But you have to prove that you’re not Kenyan, won’t confiscate guns, and aren’t Muslim.

Also, you have to prove that you’re not a lesbian, didn’t murder Vince Foster, and don’t have a fatal illness.


“You don’t have to prove that you’re not a racist!”

You sure do if the factual, historical record of your past behaviors and words constitutes proof that you are one or has, at the very least, created the widespread perception that you are one.

Not sure what’s so fucking hard to understand about that for these fucking racists…other than the fact that they still seem to actually believe that their dogwhistling and code-speak actually fools people. It doesn’t. Nobody’s fooled.


Oh well, pretty soon they’ll have their own network. I mean another more crazy TV network than the one they have now. And they can all talk to each other on that. And Josh will let us know what they say so we don’t have to watch it. And we can get back to trying to run the country in spite of their efforts to destroy it. All going according to the master plan.


Birtherisming and, let us not forget, calling for his transcripts. If that’s not racist then nothing is racist.


You MeAN liKe KILLaryy’s bLoOD CloTs!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1/111/1/1/one!@!>!>!>!>! eleventy!?!

Sorry, I just had to…


Trump: "How can I be racist??? My president is a ni…uhhhhhhhh…nice African American.


Actually I was thinking more of a chronic rash, like the kind of thing anglers get in the tropics called “monkey butt.” I will draw no pictures.


The CNN host is a living vomitorium doing a Jerry Springer imitation. She starts the shit show, eggs 'em on and then pretends to be above it: "We just all need to be respectful. … We have to talk about the issues. I was about to talk about taxes … " Are CNN hosts required to take the Hypocrite’s Oath?


The anchor handled that horribly. I get that she might be tired of hearing things and had other things to discuss but if she can’t handle two people who have a disagreement over a topic SHE bought up, then perhaps she should not be in that chair.6 days, 2 days or 62 days.

As for this:

“Why doesn’t Trump follow in the steps of Mike Pence and say, ‘All right, you’re right, he was born in the U.S.? Done, over with. Stop asking me,’” CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin asked Bennett.

"Well, he probably should, right?" Bennett replied. "It was a mistake to talk about it years ago, but it would probably be a mistake to keep talking about it as well."

I don’t even know why I’m bothering but this is such a weasle face bullshit answer.

If Bennet thinks Trump should have just agreed that Obama was born in the US and not went full birtherism YEARS ago, then what exactly is up for discussion? What is he defending? And since Trump IS a fucking birther and running for President, he sure as hell needs to talk about it!

Jesus take the wheel.


(Q): Want to hear a racist joke?

(A): Donald Trump.



Wish I could like this 1000 times. You expressed her dumb ass reaction perfectly.