Discussion: CNN: Manhattan Feds Seek Interviews With Trump Org Execs

Trump’s gonna go off-script at the SOTU tonight… Probably start rage-tweeting from the Floor.


Ah, this is the other shoe dropping. Clearly Mueller has either been limited (by Whitaker or Rosenstein) or just chose to keep his head down and spread the heat while he focuses on the “obstruction” and “conspiracy with a hostile power” parts of Trump’s conduct. My guess is that to be able to get Trump to calm down, he and Rosenstein told Trump’s lawyers and Trump’s fixer Whitaker they were “nearly done” and that is true, since much of the rest of what Trump did that was criminal is now with the SD of NY and the USA in D.C.

The politics are interesting. The investigation (of tax fraud, money laundering, and influence peddling via the inauguration and other things) is being run by a career staffer in the S.D. of NY. He is in charge because the USA for the S.D. was a Trump supporter and had to recuse himself. So there is no political person in charge. And if someone from main justice tried to intervene, the S.D. would leak like a sieve and the attempted interference (nee obstruction of justice) would be in the press in a new york minute.

But the career staff is treating this not like some special investigation of a VIP to be handled carefully, but rather what it is, a massive organized crime ring…


I hear a lot of screaming. Oh wait. Not from the White House, but from all the Trump supporters who have done their taxes and just realized that they got screwed by Trump’s tax cut.

They sure do seem upset. :grin:

Trump org executives? Does that include Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric?


Man, more crazy witch hunting going on in Trumpworld than in Commonwealth England.

Saw a Wapo article detailing the seven(!) ongoing investigations. This would make eight.

But, oh yeah, he’ll totally be running in 2020.


Yes but he’ll finally pivot and be very “presidential”.


I, too, have done my taxes and screamed at the screwing, which was truly epic. So, they’re in pain. I’m in pain. And yet, I feel not a whit of shared pain for or with them.


He has to. As long as the ‘no indictment for a sitting President’ rule stays in place, he’s only protected while he’s in.

So he can run out the Statute of Limitations on a bunch of this if, and only if, he gets re-elected.


Sorry for your pain, but you knew it was coming. They were stupid enough to believe Trump.

Joke’s on you, dude.


Ding!! Winner winner ! Chicken Dinner!!


I’m not sorry. We’ve got to stop protecting these people from themselves, otherwise they’ll never learn, and keep voting Republican, despite it being against all of their interests.


No, that was @ncsteve ncsteve. The Magats? Heck, no.


That may be the only thing keeping Trump&Co from firing Mueller. Trump knows his team would/does leak, he’d assume Mueller’s would too. And maybe he’s right. Mueller might decide the safety and fate of the USA is more important than his personal honor & reputation. Unlike Comey.


Ah, didn’t catch that it wasn’t to the photo, sorry!


Are these Execs Russian by any chance?

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If any more shoes drop and we can open a Florshiem’s store.


Teams of investigators who know how to follow mobsters.

What could possibly go wrong for Fat Donny and his Crew?

On the day of the State of the Union.

Oh, slow down my beating heart.


Staff Christmas party, SDNY.


Me either. Not in the least. We tried and tried and tried to warn the dumb fucks. We warned them, even, about the tax law after the Vandals breached the walls. And still they snorted and sneered about owning the libs. They’re the dumb fucks who caused my pain, who were chortling and chuckling about how the law was going to hurt the libs in hated California and New York. So, I’ve got no fucking sympathy for them. I hope it hurts. I hope it leaves a bleeding ulcerated sore that shoots a jolt of pain up their spine every time they sit, because god knows nothing else seems to have taught them.