Discussion for article #235310
Oh good grief. What a sorry excuse for a decision maker.
Some states still want slavery. WHats your point?
““I think there’s still a significant number of Americans that believe
that the definition of marriage should be that of one man and one woman,
as it has been for thousands of years,” Rubio said.”
Rubio said that he believes states should determine whether to legalize same-sex marriage “since marriage laws have always been defined by the states.”
Marco, let me explain “reciprocity” to you. As long as people can hop in the car, drive across the state line, get married, then come home and still be married, you’ve already lost this battle.
Shorter Rubio:
‘Please! Just tell me what I have to say!’
This guy is so way out of his league.
So, here’s the thing: First, yeah, states traditionally have set their own rules for marriage, but there are some broad things they can’t do anymore, such as refuse to recognize a divorce granted in Vegas, or prohibiting inter-racial marriage. These were settled decades ago.
But second, Rubio’s “yesterday’s over” comment, while snappy, is inconsistent not only with his stand on gay marriage, but on: our sanctions on Cuba; Roe v Wade; and negotiations with Iran. On each of these critical issues, Rubio’s positions are mired in yesterday.
I remain convinced that Republican primary voters will not nominate anyone who can actually win the general election.
“Well, they’re a large minority,” Rubio responded. “In essence, there are still parts of this country that believe that way.”
By that logic, Senator, you are also in favor of the good citizens of each state to decide for themselves whether or not to allow or recognize mix-raced marriages. You cannot have it all one way; you cannot single out a segment of society for whom equal protection doesn’t apply. Rubio, you are being totally disingenuous and you know it. Liar and spreader of hate.
¨The Candidate of Today¨ ain’t gonna make it through the Republican primary, Jake Tapper.
Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, senator Rubio.
I think Mr Rubio needs a lesson in full faith and credit. Kind of an important constitutional concept.
Here is the problem with Mr. Rubio’s approach. If gay marriage is legal and gay people are provided equal protection in one state but denied in others then what do you tell those gay people? Don’t ever travel to those states? Don’t ever get sick in those states? Don’t ever send your kids to colleges in those states?
If you don’t believe that heterosexual couples should be denied equality in certain states? If you don’t believe that inter-racial couples should be denied equality in those states? Then why should we be allowed to deny gay people/couples inequality in certain states?
Except one man and one woman hasn’t been the norm for thousands of years.
In Greek and Roman times when men fall in battle and there’s not enough men to go around, the victors would take the loser’s wives as slaves or wives.
Read the Bible. When your brother dies, you’re supposed to take your brother’s wife as your own.
One man and one woman is a very revisionist reading of history.
The media is continually questioning Hillary’s rationale for running for president. What about Rubio’s? I don’t understand where he’s going with this. “Not ready for prime time” is the best you can say about him.
Funny how the only time a minority’s wishes matter to them is when they’re the minority.
I don’t think you get it. Rubio gets it completely: this has nothing to do with anything real OTHER than gaming the nomination of the line-members of the party that employes him, the vast majority of whom are, regardless of history,evidence, hypocrisy or constitutionality, or just plane old-fashioned common sense, totally committed to each and every one of what they assume and believe today were the ideals of the Confederacy.
I’d be inclined to actively work towards letting the Confederate states out of US, except there’s too much stuff they’d need and they’ll forget how to start fire soon enough and start starving and then we’ll have to deal with a nutty invasion force … again!
Here’s what Cruz understands better than Rubio. Hispanic pandering is political death within the GOP.
But both of them understand that the GOP isn’t suddenly going to wake up and reform, or reform at all. It will continue to close ranks and occupy smaller and smaller circles, using more and more fraudulent and violent tactics. It’ll go on and on and down and down like Apartheid in South Africa.
The modern GOP is the ‘last best home’ for:
white supremacists, racial bigots, misogynists, Bunkerism, Bunkerism’s stupider cheaper sleazier special needs cousin Buckleyism, Von Mises whacko-birds, authoritarian policing, gun nuttery, skinheads, war mongers, militarists, half-wit so-called patriots and freemen, Christian bigots, fundy nincompoops, prosperity preachers, anti-tax nitwits, and Club for Growth whackaloons.
You can’t get nominated for president without them,
but without a hell of lot of systematic voter suppression and fraud, you can’t get elected president with them.
A large minority, no doubt.
Sounds like Hedley Lamarr’s recruiting instructions.
Except that for most of the history of the naition, marriage was one of the few things that states didn’t neccessarily recognize from other states. Specifically many of the southern states refused to recognize interracial marriages done in other states and, in fact, criminalized leaving the state to get married elsewhere. Pace v Alabama upheld state anti-miscegenation laws and wasn’t overturned until the Loving v Virginia case in 1967, at which time 16 states still had laws on the books prohibitting sexual contact, cohabitation or marriage between mixed race. The courts have long had a blind spot about full faith and credit and marriage contracts.