Discussion: CNN Host Calls Senior Trump Aide Out On Plagiarized Speech: ‘You’re Lying’

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The GOP…The Party That Refuses To Admit It Sht The Bed…

*Borrowed from Dorian Parvus in Dragon Age Inquisition…


Wait, did he suddenly grow a pair? Is that allowed for a journalist?


Wow…CNN brings the wood? Who would have thought?


Good for Mr. Cuomo. I sincerely hope this kind of calling-out becomes a reporting pattern.


“Look, Jesus rode a dinosaur. You guys insist on quibbling about exactly which dinosaur it was he rode. So we said it was a Stegosaurus, and apparently it wasn’t. Can we please not get hung up in the minutia of the discussion and just accept the fact he rode some kind of dinosaur?”


There is no ‘similarity’. They are the exact same words. The GOP has single handedly tried to shame this country into adopting their values when none exist.


Dang! Got a sudden mancrush on Cuomo. Hope he keeps up the good work…but it’s CNN, so I won’t hold my breath.


Well, we’ve passed the Rafael Threshold and we’re heading out into interstellar space as far as brazen lying goes. Since Cruz has been quiet lately it’s easy to forget what an outrageous liar he is and always was. I wondered if Trump and his people could surpass him in that, and yeppers, they have. They repeatedly deny what is obvious for anyone to see, like a kid standing on a chair over a broken cookie jar, like a bank robber who ran the getaway car into a ditch with the gun and bag of money on the seat beside him. They simply deny reality, over and over again.


Maybe CNN is rediscovering it’s roots? We can hope.


If you watch any of the late night coverage…this story isn’t going away. Manafort digging his heels in is only adding so much more chum to the water.

And, going forward, it has completely destroyed Melania as a spokesperson for the campaign. That’s particularly damning for Trump, who needs someone who can “personalize” him and offset the complete assholery that he exhibits on a daily basis.

Whenever your own wife is asked to give a speech about your softer side is forced to lie and lift text from the previous First Lady…you’ve got real problems.

But, they don’t have a viable alternative story pieced together yet, so Manafort is going to continue to deny there was any plagiarism involved, until they can stitch one together. At which point, someone will be sacrificed and Manafort will change his story 180 degrees,right on a dime.


“Look, Chris, what YOU don’t understand is that we create and live in our own reality.”


“There is a pattern of denying the obvious.”

We believe you, Paul. Really.

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They will probably demote Chris and replace him with Corey Leudowski (sic).


Closing Night at the Convention: "And finally from the Trump family and all Republicans, we’d just like to thank Wikipedia, Google and whoever the hell invented ‘Copy&Paste’! Thank you and good night!"


“There is a pattern of denying the obvious. What happens when you’re running the government of the United States and you don’t want to deal with what happens then? That’s the concern.” Well, that is refreshing indeed. Would that this could signal there having been reached some limit on the media’s false-equivalency fixation and its effective complicity in the destruction of meaningful discourse on any actual, factual issue confronting the nation. But on the other hand, the Goebbels-esque brazenness of all things Trump, and GOP for that matter, is truly frightening.


I heard twice yesterday that Michelle was lying when she gave her speech and Melania was talking from her heart when she used the same words so it is all OK. I am telling you Trump supporters are delusional.


I distinctly remember Michelle Obama’s phrase, " Your word is your bond", very distinctive use of words. Saw a side by side video of the plagerized sentences, most striking other than identical wording is that our current First Lady’s delivery of her words was far superior and believable than the copycat version. Michelle Obama is a dynamic person and those words were genuine coming from her.


President Trump will deal with problems so easily: Just deny they exist! Done, problem solved.



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