Trump- The appointment of a Special Counsel is unnecessary. It is divisive and bad for America. It is a political witch hunt. It is the biggest political witch hunt ever, in the history of the world. Just like my inaugural audience was the biggest ever in the entire history of the world.
Sessions’ spokesperson- Please do not ask us if Sessions concealed and lied about yet another two meetings with Russian operatives in his Security Clearance Applications and during his Confirmation Hearings. It would impinge on the important work of the Special Counsel.
I would say this is the beginning of the end of Jeff Sessions’ distinguished career, but for the fact his career was not distinguished.
And as soon as the truth begins to come out we will find the revised version: "The facts haven’t changed; the then-Senator did not have any private or side conversations with any Russian officials at the Mayflower Hotel, with few exceptions.”
Sessions’ eyes are beadier.
The poor man’s failing memory is a real concern to me. So is his being a lying, racist, mean-spirited, power-hungry sort of a so-called person.
Borscht and grits - a combo so nice, you need to try it twice (or thrice)!
In response, the DoJ has gotten a FISA warrant to go after reporters receiving leaks.
I really have no idea anymore of what the word “recusal” actually means.
But instead of looking at it as loss for the world of “Law and Order”, let’s latch on to the affirmative-it’s a gain for Oppressed Racists, Grafters and Lobbyists both here and abroad. And after all, they’re the Real Victims!
Sessions is a white supremacist liar. When will Trump fire him? Sessions parades as a law and order AG except when it comes to him. He’s not making American great again, he’s making America into a third-world country.
In Trump’s view - Great Features, not glitches
I dunno, I think he’s distinguishing himself from all of the honest, decent legislators-turned-AG in our country’s history.
Do you think this story would have been leaked before investigators knew the full answer? Hardly. The point is to give the criminals a few days to hang in the wind, and incriminate themselves more with lies and obstruction.
You realize, of course, that Trump would stare angrily uncomprehending at that sentence for five minutes before deciding you actually wrote ‘great fat bitches’ and everyone else is wrong, right?
Trump fires people because they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Having an AG in thrall to your big-criming self is worth a great deal. He won’t push him out without a huge stink which I think the normals are getting ready to arrange. Even in Trumpworld there are only so many obvious felonies you can commit before the situation becomes awkward.
Today’s New York Post(Murdoch, right?)
"Well, a Washington source of mine tells me it’s happening again. The Justice Department has gotten a warrant from the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court — also known as the FISA court — to conduct electronic surveillance on a group of journalists who’ve been the recipient of leaked information, the source said.
The journalists are not the target, according to my source — and I say, thank goodness for that. Instead, the Trump administration is looking for the leaker. Who could it be?
Some in the administration are focusing on a retired, high-ranking military officer who held important posts in the intelligence service, according to the source.
The possibly high-ranking leaker was getting some of his information from people inside the White House who were holdovers from the Obama administration, the source said.
Those White House leakers — said to be three people — have either already been fired or will soon be, the source claims.
And these cases, I’m told, have been turned over to the Justice Department for possible prosecution.
Reporting seems to be very sloppy on the whole FBI told us not to report those Russia meetings.
Here is how politico reported this on May 24:
"The staffer was instructed by the FBI not to list any contacts related to Senate business,"
This article throws this in:
though the Justice Department said that Sessions was instructed by FBI investigators not to list those meetings.
the NYT has been equally sloppy, but this matters! It is the difference between criminal and non-criminal conduct.
So what exactly where the FBI instructions? Did Politico get it right? Increasingly it seems that so many of these omitted meetings had nothing to do with Senate business.
“I’ll have, politicians swapping spit in the shower Alex for 500!”