Discussion: CNN Bans Trump Ally Roger Stone From Network

Guy who supports “party of personal responsibility” refuses to take any personal responsibility.

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That would be pretty impressive shooting skills for a 16 year old, although clearly nowhere near as impressive as the abilities of her mentor.

Obama wrote two different newspaper clips on the date of his birth just so he would be able to run for president 45 years later. Clearly, a feat of foresight that was impressive enough for millions to elect him twice.

However, perhaps your post does reveal why those GOP senators who will block her nominations to the Supreme Court for 4 years are so eager to see her defeated.

I don’t think they ever were “good”

He seems nice.

Aw, nuts. I figured someone probably beat me to it.

Yeah, except it’s outrageous that this is how far someone has to go to get himself kicked off of a national news network. And if he hadn’t hurled insults directly at CNN employees, would CNN have overlooked it? My guess is yes.

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So this is what became of Draco Malfoy.

It’s a start. He’s an old, old scumbag - and proud of it.

Come on, it’s “Nadya Betran Stone”… no “e” on her middle name. Other than that, an accurate bio!

That was my first thought too. He may or may not regularly have views/opinions like this, but somebody who’s been around as long as he has knows enough to keep them out of the public eye when he’s sober.

Yes. CNN’s behavior illustrates the degree to which TV news has abandoned the important role that our founding fathers thought worthy of protection in the First Amendment to the Constitution.

CNN allowed Stone to appear many times over the years, poisoning the public with his disinformation, but doesn’t have a problem with him until he insults one of their talking heads.


My 50-something perspective is that TV news was already bad by the time cable news channels appeared, though I think it probably happened a few years after cable appeared on the scene. TV news was killed in the 1980s, one of the many victims of Wall Street being turned loose by the Reagan Administration.

The vulgarians of finance absorbed the networks into entertainment conglomerates. The Reagan Administration abolished the notion that users of the public airwaves had any responsibilities to the public (except to the prudes). The management of the entertainment companies cared only about pleasing Wall Street, and demanded that the news divisions pay their own way.

The last good thing CNN ever did was have James Earl Jones voice “This is CNN.”

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Yeah. He has been a piece of shit longer than many Americans have been alive. And part of making our politics so terrible since at least the late '60s. Good fucking riddance.

Thanks. It’s good to have the goods on this alleged human - and to be able to say he had a hand in Trump’s campaign. Very much hope it comes to light one of these days that he broke an actual law somewhere on his mission to put the least deserving possible candidate ever in the White House.

Must be the same guy I always see commenting on basketball articles at yahoo sports.

I hear there’s one or two exceptions —


Goodbye CNN, hello Fox News

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It’s pretty obvious this is just an attention-getting stunt in the run-up to South Carolina. Pointless racist abuse, out of the blue, against an occasional employer? Puuuulllllllease!

And who is surprised by this guys comments. This guy is one of the slimmest slugs in the republican slime bucket or political tricksters. He has been leaving his slimy disgusting snail trail around the country since the Nixon Regime! He is a thug of the first order. My apologies to slugs for the comparison.

Wonderful party eh?