Discussion: CNN Bans Trump Ally Roger Stone From Network

Good! That’s how it’s done.
And now: Roger, take your tattoos, go find Gordon Liddy and stand on that corner. Wait for further instructions. 10-4 Out.

He looks like Pee Wee Herman.

The man’s level of nefariousness makes Voldemort look like an Ewok.


That’s true. MIght as well bring all the Trump supporters in along with Joe and Mika, the co-presidents of his fan club.

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No CNN and an inch of regrowth…I bet he’d love some pink panties.

He seems nice.

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you know his story, right?

Stone’s role in the Willie Horton ad, like everything else he’s been involved in, is murky and, as usual, he himself created much of the murk. Some say he was involved, he claims it was Atwater and he warned him against it because it was racist, which, is inherently incredible given, well, stuff like these tweets.

A stinking miasmic fog surrounds the man and everything he does or has done.


Honestly sounds to me like he was drunk. Don’t really know, of course.

Enough, I have a low gag threshold…

Excellent background work.
Thanks for saving me the trouble of going through my shitlist bookmarks.

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His story’s unbelievable! Has Nixon tattooed across haslf of his back. Wrote a book supposedly criticizing Nixon but it’s really about how great he supposedly was. Matches his other books claiming LBJ killed Kennedy. But I don’t want to cut you off, go ahead as you may desire.


I’m sure the appearance stipend from CNN will be more than offset by the bonus from Trump.

I hope Stone remembers that every time he looks in the mirror and sees what he really is.

Not to mention that they had this dumb asshole on regularly in the first place despite the guy being a huge turd way before Twitter. If he weren’t so overtly offensive in his Tweets they’d still be glad to have him.

One of many reasons I stopped watching CNN back around 2008. They used to be good, now they just seem to want to emulate Fux.

This is a start, at least. Now stop inviting the venemous Morticia Barbie @KartinaPierson on - or at least introduce her detailing her arrest record.

That’s nonsense! Everybody who is anybody knows that Hillary Clinton was the second shooter on the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza that day. Vince Foster knew and threatened to spill the beans. That’s why Hillary ‘silenced’ him.


Roger Stone is the guy who’s the inspiration for Jon Lovitz’s pathological liar character from SNL.

Whether the Horton ad was by Atwater, Atwater and Stone, or a different firm, thanks so much for this comment. There was nothing about any of what you say in the article. I didn’t know who he was.

I can say I am very impressed by the nuanced political views he demonstrates in his tweets. Clearly a man of great intellectual depths and equally profound moral principles. (Snark, just to be clear.)

Don’t blame Stone. Blame CNN. They gave this guy a soap box, and so many others who are just as bad, as have the other networks, for the ratings spectacle and advertising dollars that pour in. Our “fourth estate” is complicit in the demise of civil discourse in this country. Period.