Discussion: CNN Apologizes For Misidentifying Former First Lady Nancy Reagan

Discussion for article #240598

Isn’t Wolf Blitzer older than 94 year-old Nancy by now? Time for him to retire. I cannot stand his voice or his 1930’s view of the world.


None of the Republicans would have recognized Reagan these days either…and he wouldn’t recognize them as responsible, sane Republicans.


They should have known by all the people entering at the same time that it wasn’t Nancy. Queen Nancy only enters a room when everyone is seated. Still loves to make an entrance.


The only way Wolf would have respected her was if she was sporting a Combover. The Reagans have been relegated to the same status as the Eisenhowers. They used Ronnie and Nancy and now they are just museum pieces.

I forget where the last time I saw her was but Marco Rubio was escorting her somewhere. She was so incredibly frail, it was just amazing to see she was still walking.

An apology is not generally seen on Fox news I understand…

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I see Wolfie hasn’t gotten any smarter since his ill-fated turn on Celebrity Jeopardy.


The Reagans SHOULD be relegated to the same status as Wilson, as in Woodrow. They unashamedly started the decline of our country and the GOP still loves them for it. At least Eisenhower had the best interest of the country at heart…and he had a functioning brain when he left office.


Easy mistake. But Nancy was outside having a smoke before the big debate.


Wolf you ignorant slut…

A 94-yr-old is going to travel from Bel Air to Dallas just to listen to these effing goofballs?
Time to fire an intern!



I am sure, however, Nancy has never had that much style.

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Sure that’s not George Burns-in-drag?


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At least they didn’t report Nancy’s death like they did Obamacare.

That’s ridiculous to think this poor women was Nancy Reagan. Now if it was a woman in hotpants on a street corner talking to cruising male drivers, THEN I could see the mistake. Nancy Reagan was, is and forever will be Queen of the DC Whores. Join your husband you degenerate filth. You can both burn in Hell.

Wolf Blitzer isn’t a for-real journalist, he just plays one on TV.

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In CNN’s defense, I see Nancy Reagan everywhere I go…or, well…people that look like her. Something like 80% of the world’s population closely resembles her if you squint your eyes a bit, by my estimation.

Either that or CNN just sucks at accurate reporting.

You decide.

CNN misidentifications are known as Butt-plug Flag Syndrome.

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Looks nothing like Kneepads Nancy.
