That’s Papadopoulos’s bar tab. Allegedly.
In this conspiracy, we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. Ooga, ooga, dive, dive!!
Drip drip !!! Dodging and weaving. Wow.
You know, it’s not that the Russkies wanted the money. What they wanted was a Trump guy going to Europe with a bag of money and paying for stolen e-mails and phony-ass social media stuff. They wanted the elements of an illegal conspiracy. They wanted the kompromat. And Trump et al. were dumb enough to give it to them.
That’s the important part.
These mooks are about as sharp as a bag of wet mice. The only reasons they’ve been as successful as they have been are the overweening love of power in the GOP caucus and the monumental stupidity of the GOP base.
Prosecutors Say Cohen Spent $50k On Tech [services] ‘In Connection With’ Campaign
Cambridge Analytica??
Boris and Natasha, LLC?
Hacking may be?
At the time of the payment, I don’t thin there were perceived problems with Cambridge Analytica - so no reason to hide/obscure.
Then again - CA is Mercer - so if a payback/paythrough it might make sense. Except the payment is so paltry compared to the Mercer investments in the campaign, and Cambridge Analytica’s investment in the campaign that it seems unlikely.
This is a very shady looking and non-trivial expense. People’s attention has turned to the Steele Dossier which said that Cohen funneled payments to Russian hackers who may have assisted on both the hacking side and the social media/bot campaign side of the Russian effort to undermine the US elections. This is an expense that Cohen is going to have to explain. What were the Tech Services? Did he know or was he just a bag man of sorts on this?
I’ve noted for many months how Michael Cohen had a starring role in the 2nd half of Steele Dossier from the time Manafort left the campaign to Election Day. Everything we’ve learned about the role Cohen played in covering up Trump’s affairs supports that point. But what we don’t know is how did Cohen play this role with respect to the Russian campaign.
My guess is that Cohen may not have known exactly what the Russians were doing at any one time, but that he agreed to be a bag man of sorts, making payments and deliveries on behalf of Trump and in coordination with the Russians. He may have made payments to a source that paid other sources for plausible deniability. In short, the Russians may have run the operation and tried to limit the knowledge that the Trump people had, but they did have enough knowledge to know what was going on.
or the Giuiliani law firm’s consultations with them in London (Chris Wiley)
There’s ample evidence that Putin is using Trump to permanently take out his traditional American authoritarian adversaries… The Republican Party.
As long and short term history goes, Republicans have ALWAYS postured hard against Putin and his pals, they have never given up the cold war.
Romney said it more than once when he ran against Obama in 2012.
The McCain/Graham wing of the Republican party has never stopped sayng it.
When they changed the platform for Putin, Republicans became pawns in their own destruction. Their Trump chaos blinded them to their own detriment.
Putin engineered it with some help from his favorite fat orange lap dog.
He’s the spearpoint of Putin’s modern day mischief.
wasn’t there a back-channel server somehere in Moscow they were pinging back and forth with?
What’s a high end server and associated manpower cost?
Post election 2017 payment for pre-election back-channel services rendered in 2016?
Just the number tells you that there is something more going on here. $50K is not a bill for some piece of hardware or some invoiced set of hours of services. It’s a number that two people agree on as a nice round sum for doing something that they don’t want to record details about.