Discussion for article #242325
the candidates were urged to attack the media
Well of course they were. They attack the media and play the victim card, then they bash “government” as not working despite not having a plan to govern themselves and decades of evidence that conservative government costs more, doesn’t work and divides us from the world community. Maybe the media should begin calling them out more and more on needing to answer “tough questions”.
WHEn IS THE MEdia GOIng to STOP attacking CONSerVATIVEs WITH FActs? EVIDence of LIBTard MEDia HatE ON true American PATRIOts is THEIR GOTcha QUEstioNS. WHy NOT aSK about UnderPANTs? OR HOW BAD is HITLARy? BENGHAZI Blumenthal? LAMEstreAM MEdia IS AMerica’s SHAMe!1!!!one!!!
“People who want to be President of the United States should be able to answer tough questions.”
Like Ms. Clinton.
During eleven hours of Benghazi grilling.
By hostile partisan hacks.
Real moderators would have pounced on the many many lies being told.
Too many pundits today panned moderator’s performance, falling in line with the Republican Prolefeed. In reality their performance was mixed. The real issue is and should be the candidates performance and that was really generally very poor. Lots of lies by the usual suspects-Fiorina and Rubio. Add to the list Carson.
Is the nation really waking up to these jokers? We can only hope.
Complaining about the media seems to be standard protocol for the GOP. If they can’t/won’t answer the questions, they shouldn’t be running for President!
Silly CNBC, tough questions are for Democrats, not Republicans.
Charlie Pierce always does a good job, and he does it here for sure, describing the Bubble the candidates live in.
It is the place where Barack Obama actually is a “socialist,” where Carly Fiorina can run on her dismal record at Hewlett-Packard “all day,” where Chris Christie can talk about the rule of law while his lawyers back home are answering motions, and where anybody–like, say John Harwood–who brings up the empirical reality within which the rest of us live can be dismissed with an airy wave by ambitious young hacks like Marco Rubio and outright loons like Dr. Ben (The Blade) Carson. It is a place where you can get rousing applause by accusing a panel on CNBC that included not only nutty Jim Cramer, but also Tea Party ranter Rick Santelli, as just another hit squad from what Rubio called, “the Democratic SuperPac–the American mainstream media.” Ask them about real positions on real issues, and you’re not treating them fairly. Ask them about what they believe to be true, not what actually is true.
Either unprepared to be responsive to moderator questions, thin skinned, or both. None of the GOP wannabes are ready for prime time.
What they really want is to pre-approve the questions from the questioners…you know…veto power!
I hope no one in the media gives a rip what these pols think of their line of questioning. Journalists answer to the public only. We are the judge of what is valid reporting. I’m immediately suspicious of any politician that attempts to deflect a question or blame the questioner.
While the media has its flaws, it functions as a piñata for Republicans. Maybe at the next debate, they can go around asking each other questions, like a circular firing squad. Maybe that’ll shut 'um up.
That would explain a lot.
Fortunately, no journalists were harmed in last night’s diatribe for none were in attendance.
Not their finest hour for sure. I’d add though that if a question is rude, inappropriate or just trivial, a skillful pol would know how to respond in a way that improves the discourse, rather than contributing to its decline. Hillary’s a good example.
Cry me a river, as usual: right-wingers love to play the victim card (look it up:Sarah Palin, and slutty offspring). By discrediting any ‘news outlets’ besides FOX and right- wing radio, these people enforce the low information voter syndrome-- Where they get their news., their FACTS. Did Cruz and Rubio get big checks for their blatant promotion of those true propaganda sources???