Discussion for article #241848
Tax breaks for rich. Repeal Obamacare. Benghazi. Hillary’s emails. Rand weird looking. There. Debate done in 10 seconds. No commercials.
But if they suddenly go into overtime, let’s see who walks off the stage.
This was a missed opportunity by the media.
Clearly, from the get go, Trump was trying to capitalize on what the other camps were raising as serious questions. And instead of pointing that out, by and large the media has gone with the story Trump wanted…that HE is the one responsible for making stuff happens.
Even if the media does want to cover Trump 7x24…the story of having him defend push back from the media on his telling of events would be far more colorful than just going with his spin from the start.
Haha! Maybe need 20 seconds, cuz you forgetted “abortion, war on christians, religious freedom, all muslims are bad, teh gayz, israel israel israel, syria, russia, kenya.”
The RNC & MSNBC should have simply told Trump & Carson “NO!.” Then let them throw a hissy-fit.
It depends on what CNBC wants out of the candidates. If its a thoughtful policy debate 2 hours is way more than they’ll need. With that group 10 minutes would do. If its a BS session they’re after those GOP’ers will fill 2 hours handily.
Add another second for War on Christmas. It’s right around the corner, you know.
Post-debate debate: “Was it too short? Everyone but Trump and Carson is complaining they had no time for answering questions…”
Face it…there’s a reason Trump and Carson were the ones to push this crap and it wasn’t because it was a good idea or because it was reasonable or because the other debate was too damn long, etc. It’s because squeezing the time limit leaves less time for them being on the spot and having to answer questions and less time for the other candidates to answer questions and the combination of the two makes for a sure win for the frontrunners.
It’s nice to know who is actually running the debate.
Agreed. There’s no reason to think Trump / Carson influence stops at just what we know.
Oooooh, we forgot “guns, sekund 'menment, tyrrany, illegals and brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people brown people!”…so maybe 30 seconds total…the last part having been translated from dogwhistle to spare everyone’s ears…
I’m wondering how many will abuse their allotted time.
Let’s see…
Ok, it’s people like you who are responsible for stretching the debate out much longer than it needs to be.
To me, this was a no-brainer. The last Republican debate was too damn long. It seemed to drag on and on to the point that even the moderators had checked out. And I suspect CNBC wasn’t so much giving into Trump and Carson’s demands as much as they were responding to complaints coming from several camps. There’s no doubt in my mind that Rubio’s people know damn well the less exposure he gets, the better, and I’m sure Team Jeb! was really worried about Jeb! having to pretend to be awake for three hours.
Its just too bad they had to wait until Donnie Hairball got to demand it instead of taking the initiative to get it whittled down from the start. Three hours is just unbearable. I don’t even like going to the movies and sitting through a 3 hour feature generally speaking, even if the movie is really good. I’m sure as hell not going to watch crazed politicians up on a stage blubber on about the millionth thing that pisses them off and is wrong with the country as they see it…but I guess I’m not their target audience.
I won’t see as I won’t be watching. None of the Rethug clowns has a chance of getting elected, particularly the putative front-runners.
Won’t be watching,they could cut it down to 5 minutes dosen’t faze me.Wonder how much policy will be brought up ?
Pretty much, just Trump bullrushing his opponents, something I’m sure he’s done in contract negotiations time and time again. Too bad the Dems never try stuff like that on the GOP, but that would be, sadly, effective.
Nor I. I prefer reading the internet hilarity that ensues when the clowns have left the stage.