Discussion: Clyburn Praises Abrams' Speech, Adds That She Was 'Auditioning For Senate'

As a former state House constituent of Abrams, I can’t express how proud I was to see our native happy warrior speak to the nation. So many have stumbled in giving the response to the SOTU. This was the best SOTU response in recent memory (admittedly a low bar). But Stacey leapt past “not stumbling” into real eloquence.


It was a great tag team attack!

Nancy softened Creamsicleface up and Stacey delivered the knockout blows


I don’t think a Senate run would be good for her. She will almost certainly lose. Even with a an even bigger wave year, we saw that doesn’t have much effect in red states and Perdue is both an incumbent and a better candidate than the GA governor was. You can also expect the same bag of dirty tricks.

2 losses in 2 elections doesn’t seem like it would do a lot for her political career.

My Dad’s dream is a Sherrod Brown / stacey Abrams ticket. She could be an excellent VP candidate.

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I just caught a part of a NPR story analyzing Trump’s SOTU speech. In the story, it was pondered (without sarcasm) that we could be seeing The Pivot. This was one of the NPR talking heads saying it.

No, I’m not joking.


Nice Polite Rethuglicans.

Still hilarious.


Oh, it is a pivot…

…to please, please don’t impeach me…

He’s had a come to Jesus and she’s wearing a white pant suit.


Many Democrats have urged Abrams to go up against Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) in 2020

“May his days be numbered, and may another occupy his office.” Hardy, har, har.