I mean if Republicans can forgive a Pussy grabbing Misogynist racist Nazi…
Is there no forgiveness in the world?
What Would Jebus Do?
Why the hell can’t Dems just reiterate Omar’s argument about drumpf peddling hate?
I do not see where she is wrong.
No, what Omar said wasn’t antisemitic. It was anti-Zionist. Lots of Israel supporters want to make that antisemitic, but it’s not.
Regardless, AIPAC can squash her like a grape - theyve done it before.
I think that is her point.
To whom?
To ever had the brains to listen
And why can’t they bring up the fact that the GOP is fine with using the same (and more) anti-Semitic stereotypes when they’re not referring to AIPAC?
Both Scalise and McCarthy accused Soros, Steyer and Bloomberg in Oct 2018 of trying to buy the midterm elections for Democrats - yet not a peep from the GOP. [Haaretz and Twitter called out both men for making these claims - did AIPAC?]
It’s not so much what she said that troubles reactionary wingnuts, it’s that she said it while wearing a hijab (and while being a she).
Response- 1)Ronald Reagan’s Big Mama Welfare Queen Driving a Cadillac to collect multiple welfare checks.
2) George Herbert Walker Bush’s endearing “Little Brown Ones.” And his 50 years of David Cop-A-Feel jokes.
3) Steve Scalise-who has not resigned.
4) Donald Trump’s “good people” white racists vs “Mexican rapists.”
5) Donald Trump- I sent private investigators to Hawaii and you wont believe what they are finding.
6) Donald Trump- I don’t want black accountants, I only want short white guys wearing yaramulkes counting my money…
7) Donald Trump to the Navajo Code Talkers- We have a Senator, I call her Pocahontas…
8) Donald Trump to Puerto Ricans -“Water purification tablets? Really? What are they for? Do they work?”
9) Donald Trump to Puerto Ricans- “How dare your truck drivers refuse to haul relief supplies over washed out roads and bridges with no diesel fuel in any of the gas stations?”
10) “Fredrick Douglass is doing some really excellent work…he is becoming better known each day…”
“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
So I guess evangelical Christians will never ever vote for Trump because he’s a money grubbing lecherous sinner.
I’ve always appreciated Donald J. Trump’s apologies when he was found wrong. No, wait…
For the party of Donald Trump and Steve King, the party that continues to give a wink and a nod to the “George Soros is an evil manipulating genius” trope, to even pretend to be outraged by Omar’s tweet is beyond pathetic.
I really took her statement to be about the influence of money in politics generally. You could have substituted NRA or the Chamber of Commerce and no one would have been outraged.
She is right money speaks in the Whitehouse and the halls of Congress. Had she blamed it on Citizens United instead of AIPAC I bet it wouldn’t have received the same reaction.
As a Jew, could someone explain to me how her comment was anti-Semitic? She said the majority of republican congress critters are in it “for the Benjamins”. Last I checked, the vast majority of them AREN’T Jewish and everything they do is for the money, so how could this is be an anti-Semitic comment and how could they be personally offended?
The Republicans have been ginning up this false charge of anti-semitism for any valid criticism of Israeli government policies (which have plenty of Israeli critics) for some time now–even as it turns a self-blinded eye to the neo-nazis and racists in their camp. It depresses me once again that some Democrats enable this despicable practice to go unchallenged.
My bottom line: Is an offensive comment part of a sustained pattern, or is it an isolated incident followed by a believable apology? Apply that rule, and you’ll quickly separate the sheep from the goats – or the Omars from the Kings.