Discussion: Club For Growth ATtacks Travis Childers

Discussion for article #223609

C’mon, dammit! Where’s the attack on the ‘liberal media’?

I get a check every time a Teabagger bitches about the liberal media and the mortgage is due.

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CFG all-of-a-sudden startin’ to worry 'bout MS, which is a good thing.

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At the risk of violating Godwin’s Law, whose side would these guys have been on in the 1930’s and 1940’s? They’re like the German American Bund. Childers is hardly a liberal.

That’s because it’s obvious Cochran is toast. Has been for some time.

Mississippi is a state which gets back $3.00 for every $1.00 in taxes it pays; “federal spending accounts for 46 percent of all the state’s revenue: defense contracts, Social Security, farm aid, highway building. . . .” The state got Federal relief after Katrina and Federally subsidized flood insurance, and the cotton farmers? They got $4.6 billion from the Feds. So know-nothing teabag talkers really ought to STFU before they issue talking points about standing up for taxpayers because he’s talking about taxpayers in blue states who pay for his state’s largesse


That’s because the Real Americans in Mississippi aren’t the takers. They’re Real American Rugged Individualists.

$2.99 of every $3.00 goes to those people. You know who I mean. So really, the Real Americans in Mississippi are getting screwed harder than anyone else in the world by them Libruls!

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You must mean the 37% of the state’s demographic, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

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Why do you libruls need to always play the race card? Did I mention demographics?!?!

Isn’t it fun how this works?


Which is quite puzzling to me. Its like he has just quit and handed the election over to McDaniel. Not a peep for instance on the breaking into the court house in the middle of night.

That whole incident raises my eyebrows. The first, and seemingly only, interest the sheriff dept had, was to say that they weren’t involved. They did not open the door for the CourtHouse 3. And once they got that off their chest the immediately dropped the investigation and said nothing to see here. And Cochran doesn’t say boo about any of it??

Like I said in some other thread, Tyrone Lewis (Sheriff of Hinds County) is a political climber. Apparently he decided that it was in his better political interests to let McRacist’s people get away with obvious criminal activity (trespassing if nothing else) than to actually pursue it.

As for Cochran, I think he’s old and tired.

Saying Cochran is old and tired (as well as some others we’ve heard from recently) could be the beginning a push towards term limits for Congress though I can’t see them inflicting joblessness on themselves. It’s too bad the occasionally brilliant President has term limits, and stoopid goes on and on and on and on .

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And this is the reason I think he may have a chance at this seat. In 1962, he would have been a Republican, hands down. In 2014, the GOP has NO USE for him whatsoever.

I think it might be within the realm of possibility that Cochran ends up endorsing Childers behind closed doors to donors. That would be a very good thing, indeed. Cochran might be able to convince some old guard MS Repubs that by losing Cochran, the state is losing m-o-n-e-y. You know, pork. With Childers in DC, at least you’d have a law maker who was familiar with getting money for MS. McD will run to DC and never look back once at MS.

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From your lips (and Cochran’s) too enough good ol’ boys’ ears!