AND that obnoxious clown Alan Grayson lost his primary battle in FL-9.
Let the November trouncing begin. Let’s turn Florida blue!!!
I loved Alan back in the day…is the Dem winner a good one against the Rep in FL-9? I’m good with that as long the Dem can win. Not my district so what evs, just curious.
Given Florida’s history with hanging chads, lost ballots and other forms of insecure voting chicanery, I think it will take a mega-tsunami more than a blue wave to defeat the machine…
OMG GILLUM WON the DEM Nomination!!!
Just as long as it’s not a MAGA-tsunami.
What a pathetic, groveling fool -
He’s all that!..and well padded with a Harvard-Yale education
I suggest that every story about DeSantis label him as “Close Trump Ally DeSantis”. It’s much harder to surf a wave with a millstone around your neck
Andrew Gillum is a North Florida candidate. Everybody in the southern part of the state assumed Graham was going to romp. I suspect DeSantis is going to look at the color of Gillum’s skin and take his victory as given. I think he would be wrong. Never take an African American politician who has won in the old south lightly. This could be a good race if the Democratic donors from Greater Miami line up for Gillum.
Well me wouldn’t want Florida to monkey it up, Would we
Insecure voting chicanery is so 2000. Mass disenfranchisement is the new hotness.