Discussion for article #245940
Another government hater who wants a government lawyer. What white trash.
Better Call Saul…
Welfare Queen wants WHAT???
“And another thing…Let me tell you what I know about the N-CLANG…”
A repost of something I wrote last night:
Cloven asked for a government-funded public defender in a court appearance today. The rugged individualist who wants the Federal government to leave him alone has his hand out again. Also wonder if Cloven realizes that it was the Supreme Court, and not until 1932 in Powell v. Alabama, that interpreted the Sixth Amendment “right to counsel clause” to mean that a public defender must be provided in capital cases. Or that it took the Supreme Court until 1938, in Johnson v. Zerbst, to rule that the right to counsel clause applied to non-capital cases as well.
I thought Cloven only supported Original Intent of the Constitution. When is Cloven going to denounce the Supreme Court for “making law” in 1934/1938 and dismiss his court appointed attorney?
Um… right after he decides that the United States does actually exist?
What a piece of filth.
Sell a cow to pay for it, asshole.
I’m waiting for his next court appearance when he’s going to start BSing about the yellow fringe on the flag and Admiralty Courts…
Hey Cliven, to paraphrase what you said about “the Negro”: Because you were basically on government subsidy, now what do you do? You put your young men in jail. You didn’t get no more freedom. You got less freedom.
Gimme my gubmint cheese.
He’s working his way through old Law & Order scripts.
I can just imagine the scene in the jail at night!
“Good Night, Daddy”
“Good Night, Ryan”
“Good Night, Ammon”
“Good Night, John Boy”
And the guards are ROTFL!
Heh. Heh heh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Hee hee hee hee. Heh.
Wait, what?
Well dumbass you have just opened yourself up to the world knowing your business practices. I can’t wait till the judge tells him to sell some cattle and his guns to raise money for a lawyer.
Shouldn’t a rugged, manly individual like Cliven represent himself in court? Walking in with his spurs jingling, six shooters on his hip, telling the judge how shit’s done in the west and finally riding off into the sunset?
Rugged individualist western ranchers don’t need no fancy-talking lawyer. Represent yourself, Cliven.
I can’t afford a lawyer, your honor, I’ve already got a seven figure debt to the government.
The eye-earn-knee (I believe that is the correct Teabagger pronunciation) is quite delish!