Stigmata or cross-burning injury? You decide.
Visions of sitting on a steel commode has sent Bundy into panic mode.
. . . urges members to reject traditional political parties and vote for candidates based on their individual merit.
The fact that those candidates are invariably Republicans is merest coincidence.
Actually, it’s not. Bobby Jindal once implied that the GOP was “the stupid party” but it’s more like the mental disorder party–all paranoia, delusions, obsessiveness (especially over sex, guns and/or religion) and magical thinking.
Investigations of how political views track with psychiatric issues could be interesting, but sad. Even if a slew of large, well-designed studies found that the Tea Party Right were significantly associated with mental problems, you know those people would never get the help they need–partly because of denial, partly because we tend to nickel-and-dime mental health care, and partly because some high pockets have an interest in maintaining all that insanity.
Render unto Caesar, my friend
Why isn’t this guy meditating Jesus in a jail cell?
Holder, arrest the SOB already.
Bundy is just another self-serving, law-breaking anarchist who claims that the voices in his head are a form of Devine communication.
Delusions plus ammo equals bad.
Cliven just don’t understand the idea that he and the militia need to be lucky all the time. The Feds? Just once…
Oh dear, we’re at am impasse here. You see, the Lord told me that Islam was the true religion, and that he actually thought that Bundy is “an asshole racist”, and that his wild west reenactment troop should be wiped off the face of the Earth for stealing from hardworking taxpayers.
Spiritual war between JimBeam and JackDaniels?
If this guy were a small time drug user, the Feds would have already kicked down his front door in the middle of the night, killed his dog and pointed assault rifles at any suspicious toddlers.
Spiritual? Excuse me?
Rather a battle between the various voices in his head?
pure cloven bundy.
i see tele-evangelism in his future. (tax-free earnings. yum-yum!)
Spiritual battle, psychotic episode, whatever.
it’s an age old battle between grifters and con men . . .
And Jesus said, “Because the Man is not in my sight it is A-OK to stiffeth him.”
The Lord is an awfully pliable dude/thing. He jumps in and out of situations as needed. He/she/whatever is also a Ninja on steroids, 'cuz no one ever sees it.
Jesus, I think his last name is Martinez, isn’t going to punish the weak for he fears being deported by them. Now Karma, that’s a whole different entity. It’s going to kick some tax-dodging rancher ass and show his flock the light.
Bundy; you can jail my body but my spirit will always be free. Please donate to, let Bundy go free, tax-free that is.
Everyone polish your weapon before going night night , I’ll dream up some new beliefs by mornin’, adifreakinos,y’all.
A. I.A.P. WTF?
Stands for “Independent American Party”.
Also known as “the American Party”.
B. Yaps? Yappees? Yapis?
Anyone know what these whack-jobs call themselves.?
C. They’re self-styled “nativists”.
Never to be confused with “natives”, nativists are never actually aboriginal; they prefer to think of themselves as having ‘inherited their spirit’ - presumably after their actual or ‘spiritual’ ancestors genocided the heck out of the actual originals. The classic caucasoid skin tone with sunburn’s a give-away. I figure them as the Movement Conservative (Severe Willfully Ignorant Wing) equivalent of what you get combining basic book-keeping term LIFO (“Last In First Out”) with classic American religious griftology.*
[invariably southern state evangelical fundamentalism or west-ported out of the C.R.A.P. movement of Upper New York State during the country’s formative period*.]
[**Crazy Religiotic American Preachers]
D. Wikipedia lists the following under "the American Party: …
- The Toleration Party … established in Connecticut to oppose the Federalist Party
- The “Know Nothing” movement based on nativism used the partisan name “American Party” (1855–1856) and earlier or later in some cities and states.
- American Party (Utah), an anti-Mormon party that existed in Utah from 1905 to 1911
- American Party (1914), organized by Ex-Governor of New York, William Sulzer
- American Party (Texas), a one-man 1920 vehicle in Texas for James E. “Pa” Ferguson, which drew a plurality in some counties
- American Party (1924) … ran Gilbert Nations for [POTUS] in 1924 … sought support from the Ku Klux Klan after its national convention
- American Party (1969) … successor of the 1968 [I.A.P. who] nominated Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama."
Bottom line: solid roots not only in brain-dead nativism, willful ignorance, and makingshitupology, but also white supremacy, nihilsm and denialism,
maybe all those people had better thing to do like laugh at you or shake there heads in disbelife at your ignorance
Seems “the black man” doesn’t need the likes of Bundy to speak for him after all…