Discussion: Cliven Bundy Gang Rallying For Bill Blocking Gov. From Owning Nevada Land

Discussion for article #234565

So how many of us are going to go to that same webpage and vote against? I know I am!


Assemblywoman Michele Fiore? The one who talked about the ¨colored¨ people? The one who thinks baking soda cures cancer? The one who though that ¨hot little girls¨ in college with guns would stop rape? The one who has all the tax liens against her?

Cliven Bundy? The one who thinks the ¨Negroes¨ were better off under slavery? The one who owes all the money to the federal government?



The only way Cliven Bunghole and his evil spawn should be rallying supporters, is from behind bars. Any other way is superfluous.


Good luck with a state bill stopping the federal government from owning Nevada land. Didn’t we have a war over federal supremacy about 150 years ago, and didn’t the feds win? Cliven Bundy is not Robert E. Lee. He isn’t even Jefferson Davis. He is just a scofflaw who doesn’t want to pay his grazing fees like everybody else.


So Nevada passes such a law. So the Federal Government knocks it down via the courts. So Bundy and buddies decide on armed insurrection against The Federal Government! That entity with more firepower under its thumb than the next six nations on earth combined?

I’d love to see them try like the demented thieves, liars and outright maniacs they are.


He needs to be given a deadline to pay back fees and fines or go to jail; cattle need to be moved to his own land until all fees are paid.

Even if something stupid like this unconstitutional piece of crap passes, it won’t be retroactive and he need to pay or go to jail.


Carson City, 2015 used to be Rock Ridge, circa 1874, as AntiSatchetDeThe said yesterday re another racist western town…


“We must show up in person and make our presents known.”

How thoughtful.


Have Nevada state Assemblywoman Michele Fiore show up at area 51 (Groom Lake Air Force Base) and explain to the folks there that they’ll hafta “move along now, yer trespassing on state land.” See how they respond to that.


I like presents … so does my grandson.

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If Cliven Bundy were black or Hispanic, the combined forces of Nevada law enforcement and the Feds would have already shot, killed, and/or arrested Bundy and several dozen of his supporters, and the FoxNews nation would have been screaming for the execution of all the survivors remaining in custody.

When it became evident that the Justice Dept. wasn’t going to do squat at the time of the Bundyite insurrection, I read comment after comment here, at DK, and at other lefty blogs assuring everybody that the Obama administration—particularly Eric Holder—was just biding its time to move in and take care of the situation. As of today, there isn’t a particle of evidence that any such move is going to happen. Whether it’s out of political calculations or just plain fear, it’s plain that the administration was intimidated by Bundy and his band of nuts then, and is intimidated today.


The Constitution is too long for this crowd. So they’ll read it selectively if at all. I also heard the Founders’ way of writing the letter s like an f is too consufing to them.


I did twice … thought I had to pretend to be from NV, but they are asking for other states to provide feedback. So I did a second submission from ‘crazy right wing bastion of unconstitutional states’ rights’ here in Madison WI.

My comment had a lot to say how un-patriotic and un-American it was to not pay the fees and fines due. I don’t think I’ll be on the Bundy’s Christmas card list.


Bundy Ranch must be what Bobbi Gin Doll meant by a no go zone.


Blithering idiots would be more my guess. Not to mention crackpots, tax cheats, seditionists,…aah, eff 'em!
I thought Nevada had tried to get out of storing radioactive waste, and yet here New York has managed to export a large, toxic hunk, not into Yucca Mountain, but into the state Assembly! A master stroke.


Oh sure. The Govt. is going to give up Area 51 (and no I’m not talking about aliens, I’m talking about our classified aircraft skunkworks) and the various nuclear test sites, etc.

The US Government is more likely to revoke Nevada’s statehood status and revert to calling it a “territory” again than it is going to give up its massive land possessions in the state to these tax dodgers.


Plan on making the trip. I will get you more details in a few days.

Bring your tigers.


I had to ‘like it’ because the only individual who looked sane in the pic was the tiger. :smiley:


I continue to be amazed at the number of Real American Patriots who seem never to have heard of the Civil War. Or who, having heard that it was fought over states’ rights, are under the impression that their side won.